It really is "misc"

Couldn't call it libs because there are other files as well. (and later will take files like "Options.exe", "Sync.exe" and what else)
More like "system".. but those aren't system files.. nor for Windows, nor really for T-Clock because the Calendar isn't required in every case.
It's miscellaneous, some required DLL's, some non required files and what else comes in the future^^ Would even put the readme there, but then it's never going to be read xD
But ye, "system" was my first name I got for it... just didn't sound nice and kind of bad.. (or "sys")
"system" sound to me like it's messing with Windows or something like that

"files" or "bin" is also a bad name... so I liked "misc" xD
But anyway, folder won't be renamed as it would just cause too much trouble not worth the "benefits", if there where any anyway^^
About "Control Panel -> Display" well.. isn't really "Display Properties" either... "Personalize" would be the closed to the old "Display Properties" on XP... not only is it what people tried to reach, it's also the exact same page

IIRC on XP "Display Properties" was also a menu entry if clicked on the desktop like it is for Win8 with "Personalize"