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Author Topic: NANY 2010 - Mini NANY Submissions  (Read 53190 times)

Perry Mowbray

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NANY 2010 - Mini NANY Submissions
« on: December 10, 2009, 09:16 PM »
This Thread can be used to submit your Mini NANY. Mini NANYs were announced here: https://www.donation....msg187366#msg187366 You can also submit your Mini NANY in it's own thread if you like  ;)

A Mini NANY does not come under the same stringent rules that a normal NANY does, and could include:
  • A Pledge / Release that the developer thinks is not substantial enough to be a Normal NANY (It might be a very simple script that's incredibly useful).
  • A Pledge / Release that will not be completed (Maybe a partner could be found?).
  • A Pledge / Release that does not quite fit a Normal NANY.

The main aim of the Mini NANY is to enable everyone to participate... so now there is no excuse (even if you are time poor) not to get involved and join the fun!  :Thmbsup:

To submit a Mini NANY in this Thread, simply:
  • Add a new reply and change the title to your Mini NANY (eg Mini NANY 2010: Working Title)
  • Attach the file or link to your reply

Mini NANY Submissions

« Last Edit: December 28, 2009, 09:17 PM by Perry Mowbray »

Perry Mowbray

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Mini NANY 2010: Gobbledegook
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2009, 09:34 PM »
Gobbledegook started as a bit of fun between a colleague when she sent me an email with more than a few typos.

I'd heard about the fact that our brains read the first and last letter of words and guess the rest, so I wrote this very quick script that allows me to email funny messages back (that are mostly readable).

Have fun, this is a very quick rewrite (a couple of hours the other night) of my original (in AutoIt3) because I couldn't find it anymore  ;). Hence why it's Mini NANY.

If you have AutoHotKey installed, download * (2.61 kB - downloaded 959 times.) and unzip it somewhere and run Gobbledegook.ahk
If you do not have AutoHotKey installed, download * Gobbledegook.exe (200.48 kB - downloaded 2912 times.) and run it

After running either the ahk script or the exe, enter the words to be modified and press return:

The modified words will be displayed in the history window:

« Last Edit: December 10, 2009, 09:39 PM by Perry Mowbray »


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Mini NANY 2010: GAC
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2009, 04:10 AM »
this is a little script I've been using for a while (in fact, it's so trivial I'm a little embarrassed to be posting it...)

GAC (Gamers Alarm Clock) is a simple alarm clock, albeit with a slight twist.

I'm a gamer, and I have a curfew (SWMBO gets very annoyed if I stay up till all hours playing).

Over the years I've tried any number of clock/alarm app's but they have all fallen short for one reason or another (eg they don't sound when you're in a game, or they do, but they steal focus, etc)

Given that my needs here are minimal (ie let me know when I get to nominated time without interrupting whatever it is i'm doing) I knocked up the below.  

Where this differs from any alarm tools that I've seen is that it doesn't actually sound an alarm - when an alarm time is reached it toggles the mute status on and off.

This is extremely effective, yet it doesn't interrupt anything and you can still hear whatever it might be that your listening to (so it works when your listening to music, watching a video, or playing games)

All functions (snooze, cancel, quit, reload, edit alarms) are controlled by hotkeys - mouse over the tray icon to see a list (editing is also accessible by right clicking the tray icon)

There's no GUI (apart from an input box to set alarms) so no screenshots, but it sounds like this - "                   "

see the code here...

Gamers alarm clock - Target Dec08

Alarm clock functionality for gamers.  
Alarms denoted by stuttering mute status - 'audible' during game play and doesn't interupt anything  

alarm times read from ini file (GAC.INI)
all times in 24hour clock (format H:mm - note no leading zeros on the hour)
multiple alarms can be set by separating times with a comma

traytip display of alarm times on mouseover tray icon
alarm times can be set from tray menu or hotkey (or edit the INI file manually)

WIN+F8 - Reload
WIN+F9 - edit alarms
WIN+F10 - Quit
WIN+F11 - snooze (10 minutes)
WIN+RMouseButton    - snooze (10 minutes) - for FPS
WIN+F12 - stop alarm

sendmode InputThenPlay



iniread, alarm,GAC.INI,alarms,times

menu,tray,tip,Alarms:%alarm%`n`nHOTKEYS`n#F9 - Edit alarms`n#F10 - quit`n#F11 - Snooze (10Mins)`n#F12 - stop alarm

if a_loopfield = %TChk%
if Brake
sleep, 200 ;125
sleep, 800 ;700
sleep, 15000

#F9::gosub EditINI


sleep, 600000


gui,add,edit,r1 vtmp1 gupdt,%alarm%
gui,add,button,default w50 gSave, Submit
gui, add, button,x65 y33 w50 gFormClose,Exit
gui, -sysmenu -caption +border
gui,show, autosize center


gui, destroy
splashtexton,,,Alarms Updated

ifwinexist, GAC - About
    gui, destroy
tmp1:= alarms
gui, destroy

Gui, add, text, ,Gamers Alarm Clock `(NANY Clock`) is a simple alarm tool `n`nAlarms denoted by toggling the mute status on and off - 'audible' during game play and doesn't interupt anything `n`nAlarm times read from ini file (GAC.INI) `n`nAll times in 24hour clock (format H:mm - note no leading zeros on the hour) `n`nMultiple alarms can be set by separating times with a comma `n`ntraytip display of alarm times on mouseover tray icon `n`nalarm times can be set from tray menu or hotkey (or edit the INI file manually) `n`nHOTKEYS `n`nWIN+F8                        - Reload `n`nWIN+F9                        - edit alarms `n`nWIN+F10                      - Quit `n`nWIN+F11                      - snooze `(10 minutes`) `n`nWIN+RMouseButton    - snooze (10 minutes) - for FPS `n`nWIN+F12                      - stop alarm
gui, show, ,GAC - About

« Last Edit: December 14, 2009, 04:53 PM by Target »


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Re: Mini NANY 2010: GAC
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2009, 06:42 AM »
SWMBO gets very annoyed if I stay up till all hours playing
That's your own fault! Resume the saltpetre tablets and let her get some sleep.


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Re: NANY 2010 - Mini NANY Submissions
« Reply #4 on: December 13, 2009, 05:41 AM »
I like the idea of Mini NANY! I've got a FARR alias pack that I've been working on that might fall into this category. Makes me feel like I participate in NANY 2010 :-[

Perry Mowbray

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Re: NANY 2010 - Mini NANY Submissions
« Reply #5 on: December 13, 2009, 06:21 AM »
I like the idea of Mini NANY! I've got a FARR alias pack that I've been working on that might fall into this category. Makes me feel like I participate in NANY 2010 :-[

It definitely falls in here: we want everyone to participate!! What are you waiting for???  :Thmbsup:


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Re: NANY 2010 - Mini NANY Submissions
« Reply #6 on: December 13, 2009, 09:53 AM »
@Perry Mowbray: I made a few years ago a cryptor/decryptor of such texts for a coding-contest. You can decode the whole bible in only a few seconds with it with very good results - a lot of languages and slangs are supported :D. If you have enough memory you can even calculate new words and grammatical variants that can be used for decoding. It is called the Salatschleuder. I improved it after the contest. So download the final version here if you like.  ;)
« Last Edit: December 13, 2009, 10:41 AM by Crush »


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Mini NANY 2010: Miranda Alias pack for FARR
« Reply #7 on: December 18, 2009, 03:25 AM »
I like the idea of Mini NANY! I've got a FARR alias pack that I've been working on that might fall into this category. Makes me feel like I participate in NANY 2010 :-[
And here this little thing is:

Application Name Miranda Alias pack for FARR
Version 0.1
Short Description Let's you control Miranda with FARR
Supported OSes only tested on XP, but I see no reason why it wouldn't work on Vista/7
Web Page this is it
Download Link * (11.35 kB - downloaded 1060 times.)
System Requirements
  • Miranda 0.8.x
  • CmdLine plugin for Miranda
Version History
  • 0.1 initial release

Let's you control a few things in the Miranda IM client. Currently supports online, away, invisible, occupied and offline status as well as toggling the visibility of the contact list.

Unzip alias pack to FARR INSTALLATION FOLDER\AliasGroups\Installed\
Install the CmdLine plugin for Miranda, download here: http://www.eblis.tla...;id=14&Itemid=26
Move/copy MimCmd.exe from the CmdLine plugin to where you put the alias pack, i.e. FARR INSTALLATION FOLDER\AliasGroups\Installed\mimcmd
Using the Application
Once installed, type 'mim' in FARR. This will bring up a list, with items such as Online, Away. Now either launch one of the entries, which will set global status, or type 'mim [name of protocol]' and select list item, i.e. 'mim msn'. If you've got FARR to launch first entry on Enter, then 'mim msn'+Enter will set MSN status to Online.

It's very basic, but it does what I need. Should be easy enough to expand if you need other statuses (or xstatus), just check docs for the CmdLine plugin or type 'MimCmd.exe help' in a command prompt.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2009, 09:19 PM by Perry Mowbray »


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Re: NANY 2010 - Mini NANY Submissions
« Reply #8 on: December 19, 2009, 02:34 AM »

Nice idea. I'm using this now. I'm also grateful that the app will use ./GAC.ico rather than its own built-in icon, I've been looking for a way to use this tiny Game Boy icon.


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Mni NANY 2010: DisablePortableAppSplashScreen
« Reply #9 on: December 27, 2009, 04:02 AM »
Here's my Mini NANY attempt.

I'd prefer not to see the splash screens for things from and I'd rather not have to manually disable them either.

Enter DisablePortableAppSplashScreen.

Just drop the portableapps launcher for a given app (e.g. FirefoxPortable.exe) on top and the AutoHotkey script will try to disable the associated portableapps splash screen.

Interested parties, please look here - both exe and source provided.
« Last Edit: December 27, 2009, 11:48 PM by Perry Mowbray »


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Re: NANY 2010 - Mini NANY Submissions
« Reply #10 on: December 27, 2009, 08:02 AM »
@Perry Mowbray: I made a few years ago a cryptor/decryptor of such texts for a coding-contest. You can decode the whole bible in only a few seconds with it with very good results - a lot of languages and slangs are supported :D. If you have enough memory you can even calculate new words and grammatical variants that can be used for decoding. It is called the Salatschleuder. I improved it after the contest. So download the final version here if you like.  ;)
Hi Crush
I'm not sure what you mean by "a cryptor/decryptor of such texts" or "You can decode the whole bible" - I presume it's something for coders but I may be wrong... ?


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Re: NANY 2010 - Mini NANY Submissions
« Reply #11 on: December 27, 2009, 09:24 AM »
This program takes the shuffled words and tries to find the correct replacement for them to make it normal readable again.
Shuffled text:
Tihs prmgoar tkeas the sflufehd wrdos and teris to fnid the ceocrrt rpleemaecnt for tehm to make it nmoral rabaelde aagin.
« Last Edit: December 27, 2009, 09:37 AM by Crush »


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Re: NANY 2010 - Mini NANY Submissions
« Reply #12 on: December 27, 2009, 05:23 PM »
@Crush: I understood better via your example.  Nice!


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Re: NANY 2010 - Mini NANY Submissions
« Reply #13 on: December 28, 2009, 12:39 AM »
SWMBO gets very annoyed if I stay up till all hours playing
That's your own fault! Resume the saltpetre tablets and let her get some sleep.
-cranioscopical (December 12, 2009, 06:42 AM)



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Mini NANY 2010: BigTimer
« Reply #14 on: December 28, 2009, 08:11 AM »
NANY 2010 Entry Information

Application Name BigTimer
Version v091227
Short Description A small timer app with big top left corner digits
Supported OSes Windows XP and later
Web Pagehttp://www.dcmembers...5/download/bigtimer/
System Requirements
  • Win XP or later
Version History
  • v091227 first version
Author Nod5

I wanted a small, simple timer and alarm app that was very quick to set up yet had big digits. There are many timer/eggclock/alarm apps out there but I didn't find one that did exactly what I wanted. So I made it myself.
- TIMER and ALARM modes
- big digits in the top left screen corner
- timer digit display phases: above 5 minutes = only minutes are shown, 5-2 minutes = M:SS, 2-0 minutes = seconds.
- when time is up an alarm sounds and a clock image pops up
Planned Features
A countup mode i.e. BigTimer counts upwards to let you keep track of for how long you've been doing something.


Unzip, then run BigTimer.exe. Help is shown on first run.

Using the Application
input 0000-2359 --> ALARM set in HH:MM format
input 0-999    --> TIMER set in minutes
See webpage/helpfile for command line and FARR use
none, just delete the files
Known Issues

edit 180223: updated download page URL
« Last Edit: February 22, 2018, 06:09 PM by Nod5 »


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Re: NANY 2010 - Mini NANY Submissions
« Reply #15 on: December 28, 2009, 08:37 AM »
Hi all  :) As you can see I'm entering NANY at the last minute (almost). The NANY event is great and I'm thrilled to soon try out some of the other apps. Great job Mouser and Phil and everyone else.  BigTimer is a pretty small autohotkey app so the Mini NANY category seems fitting. It is finished and I'll post it very soon.

First one issue though: All the autohotkey code is done by me. I was first inspired by Skrommel's timer script (https://www.donation....msg140627#msg140627 ) but then deviated so much that no code from that is left. I have however until now used/adapted this icon and audio file:
icon + image: CC_by_sa_2.5 Derivative from image by Júlio Reis
audio: CC_sampling+_1 Derivative from sound by Corsica_S
I want to make BigTimer FOSS. But please advice me on license specifics. Do I need to use some special license to include the (adapted) files above with BigTimer? I have made an icon from the image file and that icon is compiled into the BigTimer exe. I also include some separate files in the zip: an .icl file with two adapted icons (one for each mode) and a .png of the image and a .wav of the audio. Those are used by BigTimer.exe .

edit: thanks for the feedback scancode. In the end, I chose to bypass the problem by not compiling the icon into the exe.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2010, 06:13 PM by Nod5 »


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Re: NANY 2010 - Mini NANY Submissions
« Reply #16 on: December 31, 2009, 08:43 AM »
I want to make BigTimer FOSS. But please advice me on license specifics. Do I need to use some special license to include the (adapted) files above with BigTimer? I have made an icon from the image file and that icon is compiled into the BigTimer exe. I also include some separate files in the zip: an .icl file with two adapted icons (one for each mode) and a .png of the image and a .wav of the audio. Those are used by BigTimer.exe .

I think you'd have to release it under Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0, which is the most restrictive of all licences used, but IANAL.


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Mini NANY - VideoJug Downloader
« Reply #17 on: December 31, 2009, 08:50 AM »
This is a small webtool that lets you download videos.


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Re: NANY 2010 - Mini NANY Submissions
« Reply #18 on: January 04, 2010, 12:09 PM »
... called the Salatschleuder. I improved it after the contest. So download the final version here if you like.  ;)

I think such an announcement calls for an English version, don't you?

0 von 0 Buchstaben wurden richtig erkannt
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- I don't understand how to use the program in its present form.

Any difference between '_static.exe' and '_winstandardDLL.exe' ?


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Re: NANY 2010 - Mini NANY Submissions
« Reply #19 on: January 04, 2010, 02:17 PM »
I think such an announcement calls for an English version, don't you?
I´ll make a translated version and release it.
I don't understand how to use the program in its present form.
I also had some problems with it after this long pause and it seems you have to go a clear defined way to get to your aim because of a small design mistake. If it´s no big work I´ll try to fix it.
Any difference between '_static.exe' and '_winstandardDLL.exe' ?
Static includes my (at this time actual) local mfc dlls into the executable (this must be able to run without problems) while winstandarddll uses older ones with differences in the interface and its calling convention that´s more compatible to other compilers but can cause a different behaviour of the program.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2010, 02:19 PM by Crush »


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Re: NANY 2010 - Mini NANY Submissions
« Reply #20 on: January 05, 2010, 11:38 AM »
Salatschleuder english: I translated all texts and also the complete sourcecode comments. You can download it and see a video here.


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Re: NANY 2010 - Mini NANY Submissions
« Reply #21 on: December 16, 2010, 09:40 AM »
the miranda plugin doesn't seem to effect miranda... is this still working for anyone else?  thanks!