If you only make a 300gig partition on a 1TB drive, I dunno if the LBA-limit trick is going to have any advantage, though smiley
I dont follow you there f0dder.......-tomos
I believe he means that as you delete/move/copy files around on your system, newly written data will move progressively further into the inner areas of the drive platters, thus slowing down. Recent filesystems have a habit of just marking things as deleted but not actually using the vacated blocks until available clean blocks are mostly used. This is why data recovery programs work so good, (the good ones anyway, eg. GetDataBack).
EDIT: GAH! I think I replied to the part you didn't quote....oh well....back under the rock
...- are you saying making a 300gig partition wont be as good as the way they do it (or *will* be as good...) [or neither maybe ? lol]
To my thinking, it should be the same bearing in mind any access to any other possible partition on the same drive will immediately negate any advantage gained in transfer rate.
But having a single 300GB partition on a 1-2TB drive seems like an awful waste of resources to me.