If you really want this feature, be patient. It's going to come. If you can't wait,
use another browser. Complaining on the issue tracker is not going to get the feature implemented any sooner so please refrain from spamming the 300+ people that have this issue starred.
The code monkeys there seem to feel that printing from a browser is not a true primary function.-J-Mac
I don't know that I would take this comment as any indication of how the "code monkeys" actually feel. It's a sentiment often expressed in similar comments found in many of the "popular" issues on Google's trackers, and not just for Google products.
One of the problems with Google's tracker is that by default if you Star an issue you receive update e-mails for every comment posted. So you'll get a bug like this that a number of people want to see fixed, and it'll get posted on elsewhere, and people who don't know anything about issue trackers will flood the comments with "+1" and "I want this fixed too!" posts that get e-mailed to everyone who has starred the issue.
This then leads to some people who understand how the tracker works trying to get this flood to stop by posting something like the above, but that typically doesn't work. Plus the moderators have the ability to remove comments, and I don't believe doing so leaves any trace so you end up with comments like the one you quoted where it has some useful information but also a plea to stop the spamming.
In comment 66, there's evidence of this happening over a year after the comment you quoted:
I've locked this bug to non-committer comments, since someone flooded the help forum with links to this bug along with a suggestion that spamming it with comments would be helpful, when in fact all that will do is spam hundreds of people and make this bug less useful for anyone actually trying to work on it.
If you want to express interest in seeing this fixed and get email updates when something changes, star this issue.
I'm sure somewhere there's an issue report begging Google to make the option to e-mail updates a granular setting that can be applied on a per-issue basis, and it's probably been flooded with "+1" and "Yes please" comments by people trying to be clever.