130 Lbs. of pure bred European Shepherd. Meet "Dakota". The owners left the veterinary clinic with a $600+ bill, and did not have enough room for him, so kept him in a bedroom most of the time. I explained to the owners the error of their ways and "rescued" him.
The veterinarian is a friend and our kids go to school together, and she knows
Sheena's History, so she told us about Dakota.
He also understands Basic German Commands:
- Achtung! (Ahk-toong’): Watch! Attention!
- Aus! (Ows): Out! Drop It! Let Go!
- Bleib! (Blibe): Stay!
- Bringen! : Bring! Fetch!
- Fass! (Fahs):Attack! Take hold!
- Fuss! (Foos): Heel!
- Gib Laut! : Bark! Speak!
- Hier! : Here! Come!
- Hopp! : Up! Jump!
- Nein! (Nine):No!
- Pass auf! (Pahs owf): Pay attention! Heads Up!
- Pfui! (Foo-ey): Shame! Stop That! Drop That!
- Platz! (Plots): Down! (Place)
- Setz! , Setzen! (Zetze’n): Sit!
- Such! (Zook): Search!
- Voran! (For-ahn): Go forward! Take the lead!
- Voraus! (For-ows): Go forward! Run out!