Well I have been trying to keep a lid on it, but in order for folks to understand our needs, I guess I will have to drop it.
Rainmeter is fireing up again, and has never had a structured share forum. Raineers have been stuck sharing and helping as they can on sites like deviant art, win customize, etc.
Since I am no real programmer by any means, I would be looking ot learn everything I need to know on how to setup, manipulate, and manage a forum site.
I will need to know every thing, as I wwould be one of 3 volunteer admins.
Since Rainmeter is a large community, albeit scattered to the winds, once it coalesces together, The forum will need the ability to handle a bunch of graphics (ie. screenshots and this kind of thing).
So space is probably a prime consideration.
I have absolutely no knowledge of php, but understand that it is simple once you know, and I can be a fairly quick study.
As a final note here. I have been so impressed with DC here, that I would base the service, support, and funding system on the Donation Coder format, if at all possible, and I think this would work out great for some of the more dedicated Raineers, that spend unholy amounts of time developing Configs for rainmeter, a directed donation system is something that you folks here put into place, and seems to work incredible well. Plus the idea of funds to get an independent forum in time, and matbe some flow to the real programmers behind the scenes.
One pain pill instead of two todat, and I do not feel like a free floating dingbat at the moment.