I was digging around what I have come to consider the web's most complete and generally best directory of Web 2.0 services,
http://www.emilychang.com/go/ehub, in search of a certain help community I used a few months back and was really into. I never saved a bookmark for it, and now I'm confronted with a new problem.. if I save the bookmark in my Opera bookmarks and later format my HD or something and forget to back up my bookmarks, I will have lost it again. What I did this time, to makre sure I never lose this one again, was to create a new message in GMail, enter the service's name into the message body and next to it some tags, like "live help, chat, answers, questions". I'll never forget about that site again!
Anyway, that was the first paragraph and it was WAY off topic. Here goes. Check out this forum software:
http://www.blursoft.com/metaForum/It's got screenshots descriptions, videos.. check it out and tell me you don't like it! It looks amazing. I can't wait to try this somewhere, though I have never seen it in action
. Someone tell me when they come across a forum that uses this software.