Newsletter for March 4th, 2009
Codename "A Call to Action"
1. Newsletter EditorialGreetings everyone, this is a very special edition of our regular newsletter.
Today I'm asking for your help.
I hope you'll see enough reasons to become a supporting member of our site - and decide that now is the perfect time to do so.
This month marks the 4th Anniversary of the website. It's been my distinct pleasure and honor to meet and talk with many of you through these monthly newsletters, through email, and in thousands of posts on the forum. I hope you've found some program or discussion on the site that has improved your life at least a little bit. I know from the feedback that many have.
Now we need your support to keep the site running smoothly. Just as importantly, we need your help to show the world that our idea for a software cooperative site funded by user donations is a viable one.
Your donation, and the donations of others just like you who have found our site and software useful, add up one by one, little by little. They have made it possible for us to continue to pay for a heavy duty pair of web servers that cost us almost $6,000 a year and provide web space for dozens of freeware authors.
If you've not yet donated, or can spare a little more, please take action and make a donation now. We will put the donation to good use as we work to improve the site, update our programs, and develop new applications in the coming year.
Everyone who makes a donation during the fundraiser will receive a lifetime license key for *all* of the software we make (dozens of high quality programs), as well as lifetime access to our shareware discount and giveaway section. In addition, everyone who donates during the fundraiser will permanently be entitled to all software updates and new software we develop in the future -- even if we decide to begin charging subsequent members for new programs. So if you think there's even a small chance you could might benefit from our software in the future, now is the perfect time to join.
We're also kicking off a return to securing shareware discounts for DC members with discounts on a couple of DC favorites this month, including Website Watcher -- one of the best tools I know for web surfing addicts.
I hope to hear from you soon -- on the forum, through email, or via your donation. And please stay tuned to the forum this month for more surprises.. Or better yet drop by and make your first post!
-Jesse Reichler (mouser)
Site administrator, programmer, and your humble newsletter editor,
March 2009
Quick Links:
And now back to our regularly scheduled newsletter..
2. Your Participation RequestedNo matter what your level of computer knowledge, or how long you've been a DC member, we'd love to have you participate on the forum. See the links below for some good places to jump in and make your first post.
3. New Big List of DC Software UpdatesI released a big batch of updates to my programs on DonationCoder, with a few more scheduled for the coming weeks. And DC Member skwire continues to update his fantastic Trout music player which is becoming a favorite on the forum (especially for audiobook listeners).
4. Software Discounts for March 2009This month we have big discounts on: Website Watcher (30% and one of my favorite programs), Local Website Archive (30%), AM-Notebook (30%), SoftCat CD Cataloger (40%), and JP Software's Take Command v10 Dos Shell Enhancer (50%). We're going to try to get back to securing regular monthly discounts for our supporting members.
5. Software DiscussionIt's probably fair to say that the majority of the discussions on are about computer software. Below are some noteworthy threads about software posted to DC since the last newsletter.
6. Website DiscoveriesIn each newsletter we highlight some of the best web discoveries on the forum:
7. Mini-Reviews by MembersWe encourage forum members to post quick mini-reviews of software they discover. Since the last newsletter we've had quite a few new ones.
8. Fun and GamesIf you've read the newsletter up to this point, take a break and check out some of the lighter fare from the forum - humour, videos, and games..
9. Developer's CornerIf you're not a developer, don't be put off by the title of this section. There is likely something of interest to you on the Developer's Corner. It's more than just a forum for the discussion of software development, it's also where we discuss web design, entrepreneurial struggles, and general productivity issues. And it's great to see that the section has been pretty active over the last few months -- keep it up people!
10. News You Can UseDC Member Ehtyar has taken to producing wonderfully weekly summaries of important tech/computer/security news articles that he comes across on the web. A big hit on the forum. How is he able to keep up this pace and when will he collapse from exhaustion? We are all waiting to find out.