Take it from me, don't play this game. It is a waste of your time... I can speak from experience and I hope you will heed my advice... It steals your life; it becomes an obsession that will inevitably steal your time whether you think you can control it or not. Please, trust me... I just got over the addiction and I won't go back for anything... I've played this game longer than most people... I played since BETA of the original WoW and quit this past christmas... That's a few years of my precious time that I wish I could re-live... Nevertheless, I am over it; I no longer come home and logon the game. I dont think about it. I dont WANT it. I wont have anything to do with it. I can concentrate on life and enjoy the things that I never thought I'd lost until I realized they were already gone...
Quitting has made me a better person and I hope you can see i'm credible enough for advice in this situation...