I agree but it does have a kernel of truth that IT isn't as optimized as they should. Alot of stuff requires you adjusting to their needs rather than actual value and in a company as powerful as the government, that can have other negative effects.
-Paul Keith
True - but do you really think that facebook and macbooks are the most important thing for the government on its first day? And not only that but to talk to the press about? Doing an advert for specific commercial brands at the same time too?
And then the bad taste to say that having a corporate infrastructure to run the office of the head of the nation is somehow a sign of incompetence. That is clueless and just because it is fashionable to say the previous guys were out of their depth and clueless doesnt mean they couldnt get basic operational stuff right.
Someone is out of their depth there now - they might know all the cool stuff, but the boring stuff like operations is MORE IMPORTANT when you are getting started. And it worries me that if people are out of their depth and ill adapted to reality in the press and technical teams, where else?
The fact that the press corps cannot start writing their documents in Office on a PC rather than the mac version, is scary enough, the fact that they don't seem to have anyone with them that can even get whatever tools are needed installed on a set of PCs is scary. They should at least have foreseen that and kept one of the old sysadmins on for a week?
Somehow the transition from running a viral campaign to working a government office is made quite obvious in these lines, and the fact that some people clearly haven't realised it yet. This is not a dynamic, near viral campaign full of buzz - this is a 4 (or 8!) year operation. Perhaps it needed a few more "boring" outdated people on board.