I personally found this article funny but perhaps a tad disturbing. Maybe a little too tongue-in-cheek to be taken seriously I suppose, but the author's attitude reminds me (just a mite painfully) of the two times in my life where I found myself involved with a female who was smart, funny, attractive, and mad about me... for about three weeks.
We traded life secrets, took road trips together, ate at restaurants whose menus I couldn't pronounce, for a while it was like dangling your feet off the edge of the clouds across from the gates of heaven...
Then, like a portable USB drive, she unplugged me and bid me adieu with a kiss on the cheek and a flirty giggle saying "You were so much fun, I hope we get together again sometime..." and drove off in her Miata back to her ex while telling her friends what a nice boyfriend/husband I would make for them.
Ah, Linux. I know you better. I've grown to love you like a good cup of coffee, an acquired taste where the bitterness only adds flavor to the warmth and aroma. I've gone out of my way to give you the latest updates and the newest software packages because I want you to know I care. I was there for you when they found your SSL vulnerability and faithfully patched it before you were compromised. I held your hand when I removed NetworkManager because (I know it hurt, Darling, but only a little...) it was leaking memory and I know your IP address isn't changing anytime soon.
Windows? She's just that busybody at the office who wears too much make-up and perfume. Says she'll run
anything if I want her to, the hussy. Her contract says her heart belongs to Redmond but I see her
everywhere... tramp. And she's such a hypochondriac, she'll drop
everything for a date with that quack Dr. Norton. Says she's being checked for 'viruses'. Yeah, sure. Right in the middle of getting me that report I needed. Whatever.
When I come home Linux, it's you I run to. It's your kernel I yearn for. Let me see you in that new desktop I compiled for you. CAT for me your most hidden .conf files. SUDO tell me your.. I mean... umm...
Anyways. One week? Not long enough, I say. Show some
commitment, man.