Yeah, idea wise, it's basically what I wrote here:
https://www.donation....msg127456#msg127456I'm not a programmer so I'm quick to please.
Just give me the Opera equivalent of an OS. Customizeable, lightweight, secure and disposable.
Give me compendium's functionality without all the menus. Just a big blank screen that functions exactly like it and because it's part of the OS, I don't need to worry about indexing reference files to it and worry about losing them during the backup phase.
Dual panels that on one side covers all the help documentations and another side contains all the mini-features like RSS and PIMs.
Right panel contains the Incollector interface and left panel contains special temporary folders for copy pasting and storing with 4 categories. Personal, Important, Someday and Pending.
Upper area contains a mini-menu bar that can be hidden and functions like bblean's look.
Lower area contains a Yeah Write like interface with multiple tabs that act like ticklers that can be added at will.
Entry 1: MS Word, Entry 2: MS Excel, Entry 3: MS OneNotes
so on and so forth. Basically a simplified panel docklet with an advanced button on the right side.
When advanced is clicked on, the bar rises revealling all the advanced equivalents of those tools.
Entry 1: Notepad with autosave
Sub Entry 1: emacs or notepad++ or whatever advanced users might need
Add in a simplified launcher like Launchy for advanced searching, a Taboo Firefox extension interface for quick bookmarking of RSS Feeds within the Operating System and a virtual desktop with set jobs (i.e. a virtual desktop specified to open the browser and a notetaker when a user goes to that space which then automatically reverts to a normal virtual desktop space once that functionality has been set so as to avoid accidentally re-opening the browser)
Finally, a lighter native copy of ThinkingRock, an offline Diigo service and a Export mode level that when pressed outputs a compendium export file that can be transferred to the main application for other browsers, an incollector export file, a ThinkingRock export file and a YeahWrite file with all the highlights and annotations extracted to it in separate sections.
I guess for me, the perfect OS is one where it isn't the perfect OS but the perfect complimentary OS just as how Opera is the perfect complimentary browser for other browsers. I know, so far two of my posts are Opera related but really I'm not that die hard of a fanboy but when thinking about the perfect OS, there's just something I love about an app that can handle lots of stuff assigned to it but remains fast enough that you can just close and forget.
Most notable changes are the lack of links connecting to each other software wise and the fact that all of the software purpose have changed to suit a more productivity based goal and because that post was long ago. The details/specifics of the ideas you'd probably get from the posts I've made in GOE.
By lack of links, I pretty much mean chains connecting software to each other. Example such as I use post-its as parking lot tools for example yet at the same time, post-its are pretty much used for that purpose anyway and the only difference is that it's linked to the rest of what I use rather than a total separation. That is, recent lists go there but I also put urgent lists there. Yet I also put other urgent and recent lists elsewhere. Because the whole idea isn't really flesh out or that fleshing out would prolong the summary, you'll just have to analogize the idea to fit to specific models.
Software-wise, not much has changed:
1) Post-its
2) Random To-do lists (I actually did a list when I said I didn't in that post and what surprised me is that it was recent yet I forget about it -- while I was just checking the items off yesterday!) The whole deal I found for me was that random to-do lists ironically enough creates a better short to-do list system than the card-based one mouser uses. I actually was leaning to a more card-based one but instead I kept finding that I subconsciously just know what to put on those short lists and that the problem is solely in the backup scenario where I might lose the entries if I don't put it there)
3. Notepad/Akelpad - Find .txts to be much snappier than any software post-it program I use despite the need for a right click/create name. Mostly blank .txt with nothing on it. The title is the task entry.
4. Remember the Milk
5. Compendium
6. Incollector
7. The Form Letter Machine
8. PopUp Wisdom
9. WinXp Folders (I feel the folders thing just plain don't work without drag and drop organization)
10. Evernote
11. Dropbox
12. Scrapbook+ (thanks to mwang) Most of my stuff are still in Diigo though
13. Joe's Goals. Much more rarely now when Activity Tracker was made non-functional in Igoogle due to the changes which made it not work so I'm mostly off web apps.
14. Taboo Firefox Extension
15. Yeahwrite
16. OneNote
17. ReminderFox
18. SortbySize - though it's not updated for the latest version of Firefox and I haven't tested it under compatible mode.
19. Opera, save by active window Sessions