You will have to imagine for yourself the attached images that came along with this e-mail today:
James Bond is walking in the park
he meets a genuine Bond-girl, and stops
he is looking thoroughly at her , but then he looks at this watch
she is noticing this, and asks if he is waiting to meet someone
"No, I am just testing my super hi-tech watch which is talking to me"
"Oh, and what is your watch telling you right now?"
"It is telling me that you are not wearing any underwear"
"Well, in fact I am wearing underwear"
Bond is looking at his watch again, and says,
"Oh, it must be an hour ahead!"
So, you see, you must remember to set back the clock, one hour (Saturday night)! Put on your underwear, girls; No more summertime! Well, that goes for Europe. Are America and Asia also changing back from summer-time (even though you call it something different) to normal-time, this week-end??