I think I've seen someone here showing a program that lets one write to two folders simultaneously. I just cannot find it. Is this possible? Tired of running synch progs, like SFFS.
The idea would be to have an external HD plugged into my home comp. Then, everything I write to the internal HD on my home computer will get instantly mirrored to the external HD.
I jump into the train, and take my external HD with me. At work, I plug it in and do a sync (with say beyondCompare). Then, every file I change in the office computer gets mirrored to the external HD as well. when back home I run sync again.
But damn! This doesn't save much time. I still have to run two synch sessions! It's so damn hard to keep to computers completely parallel, it's comical.
I have spent hours undoing stupid things I did with SFFS before; having proper backups and syncs is actually a lot of work.
The other alternative is to have everything running on the external HD only. And of course backup the hell out of it. That would save 2 syncs a day.
Why on earth is this so difficult? I was happier when I had only one laptop.
So actually, what I'm asking here (simultaneously writing to internal and external HD as if they were in RAID 2) doesn't spare me the syncs, so there's not much of a point.
Any ideas?