So can someone give a quick and easy tutorial on how to set up Remote Desktop from within XP Pro and how to access it from another computer?
1) On the PC that you want to control, (henceforth called the "server"), create an administrator account and give it a password.
2) On the server, My Computer->Properties->Remote->Tick "Allow users to connect remotely to this computer" under Remote Desktop, then OK out.
3) Ensure that port 3389 is able to get through any firewall/router on both PCs and that if you use NAT that port 3389 is forwarded to the server PC.
4) On a client PC, Start->Accessories->Remote Desktop Connection and type in the IP of the server PC.
5) If everything is forwarded OK and is able to get through your firewalls then you'll get a window/screen open where you input the user/password you specified in step
You might not need to actually create a admin account on the server, a normal user account will probably suffice as long as you don't want to do anything that requires admin privileges.
You can fine tune your Remote Desktop connection by clicking the Option button when you run Remote Desktop Connection.
You can also access the server PC through a web browser, (ala VNC), if you enable
Remote Desktop Web Connection.
Edited for clarity.