Check out (if you want to install the latest beta you need to install the latest full version from the Locate homepage (listed there too) before you install the beta)
Publisher's Description:
Locate saves names of all files in your hard drives to file database. After that you can locate files. This program works like updatedb and locate in Unix systems. Win32 based locating program also included.Is that the perfect replacement for Windows' Win+f search?
It is! 
Only needing
~5 seconds (yes, that includes typing your search) to find a file? Great!!
I tested Locate waaaay back and didn't look at it again for a long time - it's unbelievable how great it works now; and it only uses 2 MB RAM! This is how Locate could look for you (
the great (and free!) FastStone Image Viewer is in the background):

Locate 3.0 - great *FAST* HD search tool!
By clicking the
Presets button (or using its keyboard shortcut, which I prefer) a menu pops up, showing you the searches you already saved, and allowing you to remove and add presets. Presets are very helpful for those searches that you are using again and again. A preset could include filenames, extensions, size limits... you name it. Very helpful!

Locate 3.0 - great *FAST* HD search tool!
This is the latest settings window - you can now set the first two "Locate dialog" settings to always have Locate running in the tray when you hit ESC or click the close button - then just press Windows+f to have it pop up again - very handy:

Locate 3.0 - great *FAST* HD search tool!
Here you see the
Database settings. A Database could be one partition or just one or three directories - you decide! You could also exclude certain paths. It's very easy to create several databases with include and exclude options. Clicking on one and clicking "Edit" will get you to the details:

Locate 3.0 - great *FAST* HD search tool!
In the
Auto update settings you can choose when which database is supposed to be updated - for example, you can set one not-so-interesting database to be only updated once a day (should you really
need an up to date database you can just right-click the tray icon, indexing is quite fast) and another one every hour - splitting them up saves time in this case:

Locate 3.0 - great *FAST* HD search tool!
What I also like about Locate is that I can set it to close to the tray when I hit ESC. I'm using AutoHotkey to start it (bring it back from tray) instead of Windows' own search when I press Win+F, and I use Shift+Win+F to run a second instance of Locate when I need it:
run, C:\Programme\Locate\Locate32.exe
run, C:\Programme\Locate\Locate32.exe -i
Update: Searches like
*URL.txt;*lol*.jpg work in the latest beta now!
Update: I asked "how to set Locate to 'activate' the first found file when the search is done (like in the Windows search) or maybe even already when the first file is found." - thanks to the nice coder this features has been added!
[edit by mouser: please upload pictures instead of linking to them!]