I'm an emergency / 911 dispatcher and several times during the day I need to very quickly transfer a call or look up a number or address while several things are going on at the same time.
Currently we've been using a number of loose papers filled with this kind of info, but as you can guess they very quickly get outdated, torn, lost, edited, scribbled on, etc. The built in address book on the phone system is extremely clunky with no search function whatsoever, so that's no help.
I've been daydreaming of a simple, yet extremely efficient application that can allow me to put all this info at my fingertips but so far all the PIM and Address book software I've been trying out are *way* too overpowered for what I'm looking for. I'm hoping if I list out the small wishlist I have that someone can point me in the right direction or just whip it up 
If I could wave a magic wand I'd create something like FARR or nDroid but made to scan a couple files of info and return matching lines rather than various directories returning matching files.
For example I could hit a hotkey to start the program, start typing Smith and any line in the file that matches what I type would show up as I type (rather than a submit button).
I'd also need just an input text box that would allow me to copy paste info into it to add to the file of phone numbers, emails and whatever other misc info.
Extra credit would be a way to arrow key up and down the list of results and be able to hit a hotkey like alt-e to edit that line directly rather than having to manually go edit the overall file.
Extra extra credit would be if the program could convert urls and email addresses to links which would be displayed if that line matched the search query somehow.
Anyone know of a program that can do this that I can try out?
I wish I had better programming skills, this seems like something someone can make very quickly if they were so inclined :p

Can I suggest Yeahwrite.
www.wordplace.comThe addresss feature within yeahwrite has some of the requirements the you are after such as typing the first letters of a surname will bring you straight to that person/s . The up/down arrows will scroll through that persons address and you can enter/edit what you want.
All though it is a Word processor as such I think you will enjoy using it‘s features.
30 names are on immediate view as soon as you open the address book.
those 30 names have their Full Name--Work Phone--Work Ext--Home Phone--Company Name instantly available on that page.(or whatever you want to put under those headings)
Scroll down the page or enter the surnames first initials and it comes up with that name or those similar.
Hit enter on the name you want and use the up/down arrows and you can edit any part of the
Address to your hearts desire.
Add comments if you wish as well .
Love to hear your response after you have tried this program as I think its the very thing you want.
It has a free lite version but I don’t know it’s limitations as the website is apparently down at present.
From memory the program is small enough to be downloaded onto a floppy disk.
Extremely fast loading up and one of its features is automatic saving of work done/entered.
Oops just about forgot TABBED address books which can be right there available with a click of the mouse.
Entries can be transferred easily from one tabbed address book to another.
The search/find feature will pick any thing that you want right through all the tabbed address books etc.
Either a part of the email nickname or even part of the isp’s name very efficient
This is my second edit after reading your posts again.
I have espoused on the address book part of yeahwrite you will love the rest of the progams features as a copy and paste info .
Under the general tab you can copy and paste info.
It automatically saves info you paste under the headings of DATE DESCRIPTION TEXT again 30 entries are available for immediate viewing on opening the that tab. The text heading shows the 1st line of what you have saved the decription heading of that entry you can edit at a later date to suit your own needs
I think I have opened the Yeahwrite pasted-saved info closed again in under 4 seconds knowing that the info will be readily available the next time I open yeahwrite without having to look all over the place for it.
I’m back again for my third edit
If you use the address book in yeahwrite and under the companyname put reference to the data that you wish to locate such as Smith **** (****your reference) you will see a button at the bottom right of the page which says SORT click on that and it will bring the company name to the foremost heading allowing it to be accessed the way that you have described in your posting.
Now I realise how good yeahwrite is with its tab features.
You have an Address tab for addresses alone with the suname as the foremost entry Put all your info addresses,notes etc and under the company name put the surname and your ref.
Now have a second tab which you alter as above by changing the foremost entry via the sort button to the company namei.....it will bring the company name to the foremost heading allowing it to be accessed the way that you have described in your posting.
Now when you make a data entry in the first address tab you copy it to the second tab (it’s very easily done) five seconds at the most.
And another feature is the tab can be color coded to suit what you like so that one tab can be a light blue and the other a light green so that you will know in which tab you are in.
So you will have one tab for surname reference and one tab for company name(your reference) for searching.
this will be the nearest that a program will get to your needs without someone writing one specifically.