Here are some more comments from Andre from his web site:
"using the program will cost you no money, but a nice picture postcard from your hometown or a beautiful countryside nearby (perhaps it will also be possible to use a nice stamp for sending the postcard). " of the best things we could ever do at is help to encourage a community where we show appreciation to freeware/donationware developers. it is
so important that we all go that extra step and not be lazy and take the time to tell freeware/opensource/donationware authors that we appreciate what they are doing.
so if you use exact audio copy,
send andre a postcard or email and let him know you appreciate what he is doing!!!! Emails of thanks from users really do make a difference - they really do make an author feel good about what he/she is doing. It's not a meaningless gesture, it really does make a difference. A postcard can make someone's day.
wouldn't it be amazing if it came to be known that people who frequent were some of the most active supporters of good software, that we not only appreciate the quality of a program, but the quality and kindness and care of the authors of these programs, and not just acknowledged such programs, but took the time to show our appreciation, in whatever form we can, whether its emails of support, postcards, donations, writing short reviews on software announcement sites, etc?
I think we should really explore this idea more, the idea of having a kind of code/philosophy of supporting good authors.
Maybe some set of ideas we can all agree on and try to live up to, that would involve supporting companies who are doing good stuff in a kind and generous way.