I don't really consider linux distros as "choices"
to me, they are all pretty much the same
most of them are IT students' university projects or some enthusiasts' hobbies
if you mean the main linux distributions (debian, gentoo, etc) I still don't think they aren't different enough to consider them as choices (maybe choices are linux and bsd eventualy)
to sum up, what I consider as choices in linux, are: KDE or Gnome (desktop), pacman or apt (package manager), ext3 or JFS (file system), etc etc
I don't know if you understand me, but linux distros that are the same but they differ in the software and tools that accompanies them, don't seem as choices to me
LFS is a good example for what I am saying
it enables you to choose different components and create your own distro
so, what we really need, is not new distros but new components
we need different ideas in software, not a different combination of existing components
there are some trully new OSes out there (eg SkyOS), now that's what I consider a choice
so when I imagine of a GoogleOS, I definately do NOT imagine it as a linux distro
I imagine GoogleOS to work in a revolutionary filesystem that with decent write/delete/find speeds, innovative features, without the limitations of the current filesystems
I imagine GoogleOS to be much more customizable than winxp, with an integrated OS-level ability to customize it and not with external utilities and scripts (eg autohotkey, strokeit, alternative shell, etc)
I imagine GoogleOS to have a simple and flexible file hierarchy, not as linux hierarchy
I imagine GoogleOS to introduce new file formats and new software algorithms
ofcourse such project seems enormous, but Google is very powerful and it has what it takes to dominate OS field in the future