That's not fair. Spinrite recovered data of a dying drive for me once, when all else failed and the other alternative was spend £400 for recovery services.
is fair - Gibson's marketing is full of made-up buzzwords, without much description of what's actually performed. He has all his friends and paid minions write rave reviews, and say oh-how-much it has saved their butts.
And what does it really do? Read and re-write sectors, thus utilizing drives built-in scratch-sector relocation mechanism. Fancy ascii graphics to make it look techy. Oh yeah, and "writing magic patterns to re-magnetize the drive". Yeah. Right.
Also, because of what it does, it might actually make your situation worse, at it puts a lot of stress on your drive.
never use spinrite on a defective disk without imaging it first.
Yes, I'm harsh, but I have a really big distaste for people that are close to the conman level, but pretend they're gurus.
It also recovered everything on a drive where the partitioning had been messed up by a linux installation.
Spinrite doesn't do filesystem recovery, it only "
fixes bad sectors" - so you must have used some other application as well.