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"Good news everyone !"

I fixed the "desktop thing" in DaddyClick.

Moreover, in order to keep on experimenting AHK i decided to turn DaddyClick in some kind of open/save box enhancer (hm, sort of...). So i put aside the Explorer compatibility to focus on open/save boxes, so now "prent foder double-click" still works in Explorer, but not folder auto-selection. This feature was too buggy in Explorer and i felt like it was a better thing to focus on one thing and try to do the best out of it.

Anyway, i added one feature to DaddyClick : a toolbar in the caption to quickly access different drives (instead of using combo box).

Any feedback would be appreciated :)

I don't paste code right now because it's really a mess :-[

Looking forward to hear more (when less buggy)!  :up:
Actually, i updated and tested it a lot of times and now i think it works pretty fine. It's my first script so it could certainly be better but at least there won't be any bad surprise. Any feedback is welcome :)

The only thing i need to do now is to disable the script when there is no parent folder. It doesn't cause any harm, it just selects a random file as the script is looking for a folder that doesn't exist.

Yeah, glad to see my post was helpful :)

Indeed, Ditto is really neat. I never used any other clipboard extension but actually this one is quite perfect for my needs. It's very handy for composing images without going from one window to another all the time.

And it's open source :D

I think this thread would be more interesting if everybody took some time to quickly describe the software and maybe post a link to the programs' homepages. It would help us discovering new stuff as we don't necessary know every piece of software listed here.

Ok so now i have to show to right example :D

Autohotkey - A great scripting language which let you do almost anything under Windows. I discovered it very recently and i already consider as the greatest program i've ever used.

Volumouse - Let you change Windows' volume by dragging the wheel and holding Ctrl or Alt, or placing the cursor over the taskbar. I find myself trying to use it on every computer now, as if it was an ordinary feature :)

Find and run robot - Someone does'nt know about this ? :) Launch apps with your keyboard, and more. I removed my Powerpro toolbar since i installed FARR.

Ditto - A simple clipboard history manager. Very useful, even when working on images.

Taskbar Shuffle - A few tweaks for the Windows taskbar, especially : closing programs by middle-clicking on their tabs in the taskbar. Great time saver.

Freecommander - I don't see a lot of people talking about it, so maybe it is considered as crap, but i find it quite useful and easy to use. But i'd love to be convinced that there is a better freeware file manager :)

DaddyClick - Hmmm okay, it's quite a joke cause DaddyClick is a AHK script i've done, but actually i really enjoy using it :-[ It lets you go to parent folder by double-clicking on whitesapce in open/save dialogs and explorer windows, then it highlights the folder you come from. Maybe still a little buggy...

Well, that's it for now :)

Post New Requests Here / Re: IDEA: mklink gui (symbolic links)
« on: June 27, 2007, 10:22 AM »
But the tool mentioned in the article is interesting. Thanks for the link!
Same here. Thanks for the link, very cool tool indeed :)

If by "new file" you mean "file with a more recent modification/creation date", i guess a AHK script could be easily done : you drag and drop the two files on the script GUI and the script takes the oldest file's name, erases it, rename the recent file, and that's it.

Of course if you can't rely on files' dates, it won't work.

Thanks for the answer mouser :) Ok well i think i'll wait for these modifications.

Find And Run Robot / FARR newbie - need help for alias creation
« on: June 21, 2007, 05:47 AM »
I've been using FARR for quite some time now, but only in a very basic way (no customization etc). Now i'd like to create an alias but i have no idea how to do it.

The idea would be to have an alias (like "dl") who displays the 9 most recent files in my download folder.

How can i do this ?

Thanks a lot.

Thanks Justice :)

Ok i took care of another annoying bug i didn't notice : if you clicked on scrollbar then on whitespace very quickly, the program understood this as a double-click and went to parent folder.

; DaddyClick
; see  for similar script
; or the various help pages on ControlSend etc.
; Thanks to Justice for showing me the first steps and coming up with the name "DaddyClick" :)

#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetKeyDelay 0,0

~LButton Up::
; info about window/ control the mouse is hovering over
CoordMode Mouse,Screen
WinGetClass, class, ahk_id %id%

If (class <> "#32770" and class <> "CabinetWClass" and class <> "ExploreWClass") ; if not open/save dialog OR explorer
    Gosub End
If ControlClass <> SysListView321 ;if not Clicking filelist's whiteSpace
    Gosub End

; Scrollbars detection
ControlGet cStyle, Style,,%ControlClass%, ahk_id %id%
WinGetPos winX, winY, winW, winH, ahk_id %id%
ControlGetPos ctlX, ctlY, ctlW, ctlH, %ControlClass%, ahk_id %id%
VScrollX2 := winx + ctlX + ctlW
VScrollX := VScrollX2 - 20
HScrollY2 := winy + ctlY + ctlH
HScrollY := HScrollY2 - 20

If MouseY Between %HScrollY% and %HScrollY2%
    If cStyle & 0x100000
        Gosub End
If MouseX Between %VScrollX% and %VScrollX2%
    If cStyle & 0x200000
        Gosub End

If (A_PriorHotkey = A_ThisHotkey and A_TimeSincePriorHotkey < 500 and nbClick = 1) {
    If (IsSelected = 1) ; if a file or folder is selected
        Gosub End

    ; retrieve current folder depending on the window class
    If (class = "#32770"){
        ControlGetText prevDir, ComboBox1, ahk_class %class%

    If (class = "ExploreWClass" or class = "CabinetWClass") {
        ControlGetText prevDir, Edit1, ahk_class %class% ; retrieve current folder from Edit1 field
        StringGetPos, SlashPos, prevDir, \, R1 ; get position of last \
        SlashPos += 2 ; add 2 to the position so StringMid works
        StringMid, prevDir, prevDir, SlashPos ; get part of the string, from last \ to the end

    ControlSend,,{BS},ahk_id %ControlHwnd% ; Sends BackSpace
    Sleep 50
    Loop, Parse, prevDir
        ControlSendRaw, SysListView321, %A_LoopField%, ahk_class %class% ; Sends letters from the previous folder's name one after another to reach folder quickly
        ControlGet, testSelected, List, Selected, SysListView321, ahk_class %class% ; Checks selected folder
        If (testSelected = prevDir) { ; if selected folder is the folder we come from
    nbClick = 2
} Else {
    nbClick = 1
    ; checks if a file or folder is selected in the dialog box
    ControlGet, IsSelected, List, Count Selected, SysListView321, ahk_id %id%

nbClick = 0

Now, this Desktop thing :)

Nighted> thanks for the info. However, as i have no use for other QT Tabbar's features, i don't feel like using it. And i like working on DaddyClick as a first ahk project anyway :)

Anyway, i updated DaddyClick and fixed a few bugs. Now, clicks on scrollbars (and more generally, clicks outside file list), are ignored. I also included the new icon.

Here's the code, sorry if it looks ugly :
; DaddyClick
; see  for similar script
; or the various help pages on ControlSend etc.

#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetKeyDelay 0,0

~LButton Up::
; info about window/ control the mouse is hovering over
CoordMode Mouse,Screen
WinGetClass, class, ahk_id %id%

If (class <> "#32770" and class <> "CabinetWClass" and class <> "ExploreWClass") ; if not open/save dialog OR explorer
If ControlClass <> SysListView321 ;if not Clicking filelist's whiteSpace

; Scrollbars detection
ControlGet cStyle, Style,,%ControlClass%, ahk_id %id%
WinGetPos winX, winY, winW, winH, ahk_id %id%
ControlGetPos ctlX, ctlY, ctlW, ctlH, %ControlClass%, ahk_id %id%
VScrollX2 := winx + ctlX + ctlW
VScrollX := VScrollX2 - 20
HScrollY2 := winy + ctlY + ctlH
HScrollY := HScrollY2 - 20

If MouseY Between %HScrollY% and %HScrollY2%
    If cStyle & 0x100000
If MouseX Between %VScrollX% and %VScrollX2%
    If cStyle & 0x200000

If (A_PriorHotkey = A_ThisHotkey and A_TimeSincePriorHotkey < 500 and nbClick = 1) {
    If (IsSelected = 1) ; if not Clicking filelist's whiteSpace

    ; retrieve current folder depending on the window class
    If (class = "#32770"){
        ControlGetText prevDir, ComboBox1, ahk_class %class%

    If (class = "ExploreWClass" or class = "CabinetWClass") {
        ControlGetText prevDir, Edit1, ahk_class %class% ; retrieve current folder from Edit1 field
        StringGetPos, SlashPos, prevDir, \, R1 ; get position of last \
        SlashPos += 2 ; add 2 to the position so StringMid works
        StringMid, prevDir, prevDir, SlashPos ; get part of the string, from last \ to the end

    ControlSend,,{BS},ahk_id %ControlHwnd% ; Sends BackSpace
    Sleep 50
    Loop, Parse, prevDir
        ControlSendRaw, SysListView321, %A_LoopField%, ahk_class %class% ; Sends letters from the previous folder's name one after another to reach folder quickly
        ControlGet, testSelected, List, Selected, SysListView321, ahk_class %class% ; Checks selected folder
        If (testSelected = prevDir) { ; if selected folder is the folder we come from
    nbClick = 2
} Else {
    nbClick = 1
    ; checks if a file or folder is selected in the dialog box
    ControlGet, IsSelected, List, Count Selected, SysListView321, ahk_id %id%

Now i need to :
- find a way to ignore clicks when Desktop is active folder.
- prevent third click after double-click to be detected as a double-click (should be easy) done !

Again, thanks to Justice for showing me the first steps and for coming up with the name :)

However, what would it do with the GIMP?! Most software are cursed with names that have little or no immediately obvious connection to their function.
I think the best solution would be a program that searches exe through Program Files, then submits names to an online database to get matching categories.The idea being that the database is free and opened to anybody, so it would grow quickly.

DesktopCoral / Re: Er...what am I missing here?
« on: May 31, 2007, 08:29 AM »
I didn't try the program but from what i've read, i suppose you have to put the shortcuts on the desktop, under the blocked area. This way you can access them anytime because windows never go over this area and then keep these shortcuts visible.

I'm still looking for the perfect rss reader. I thought i had found it with Omea Reader, which is really great but eats way too much memory. I don't really like web-based readers because i like being noticed of new posts, especially new comments on my blog (in this case, i like to have some kind of balloon poping up or something ...). Greatnews is nice but it misses a filter system (ie in Omea Reader, i have a "Unread" filter and a "Unread blogs" filter).

Yesterday i ran into this and i'm thinking about making a AHK script to check new messages and comments on my Google Reader account (with tray notifications etc). Do you think there could be a way to log in and retrieve user ID (cookie) within the script itself ? I think it would be the tricky part.

PS : i know "Google Reader notifier" exists but it won't install on my machine.

Pitaschio yeah i know it, that's the little software i'm refering to in my first message (i ran into it on Lifehacker some time ago), but i just realised i gave freecommander's url instead of the correct one ...

Actually Pitaschio does the double-click thing very well but also does a lot of things that i don't need, so i wanted to make my own script to gain a few ko of memory :) And Pitaschio doesn't select the folder after going to parent and i like this feature (Freecommander-like) :D

Anyway, it's a lot of fun trying to do this in AHK, i'm falling in love with this thing :)

Hmmm, i had a look at it, it works pretty well in open/save dialogs, but is still very buggy in explorer windows.

By the way, i had to modify it a little so the "folder selection" stuff works :

Menu tray, icon, daddyclick.ico ; remove this if you don't want to use custom tray icon
; DaddyClick
; see  for similar script
; or the various help pages on ControlSend etc.

#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.

~LButton Up::

If (A_PriorHotKey = A_ThisHotKey and A_TimeSincePriorHotkey < 500) {
if ((class = "#32770" or class="CabinetWClass" or class="ExploreWClass") and IsSelected = 0) { ; if open/save dialog OR explorer
; retrieve current folder depending on the window class
if (class = "#32770"){
ControlGetText prevDir, ComboBox1, ahk_class %class%
if (class = "ExploreWClass" or class = "CabinetWClass") {
ControlGetText prevDir, Edit1, ahk_class %class% ; retrieve current folder from Edit1 field
StringGetPos, SlashPos, prevDir, \, R1 ; get position of last \
SlashPos += 2 ; add 2 to the position so StringMid works
StringMid, prevDir, prevDir, SlashPos ; get part of the string, from last \ to the end

ControlSend,,{BS},ahk_id %ControlHwnd% ; sends backspace
Sleep 50
Loop, parse, prevDir
ControlSendRaw, SysListView321, %A_LoopField%, ahk_class %class% ; sends letters from the previous folder's name one after another to reach folder quickly
ControlGet, testSelected, List, Selected, SysListView321, ahk_class %class% ; checks selected folder
if (testSelected = prevDir) { ; if selected folder is the folder we come from


} else
; info about window/ control the mouse is hovering over
WinGetClass, class, ahk_id %id%
; checks if a file or folder is selected in the dialog box
ControlGet, IsSelected, List, Count Selected, SysListView321, ahk_id %id%

Not perfect though...

Thanks Justice i didn't know about this command and it's kinda neat.

Ok, i tried to add a feature : when you go to parent folder, the folder you come from is automatically selected in the folder list.

It goes like this :

Menu tray, icon, daddyclick.ico ; remove this if you don't want to use custom tray icon
; DaddyClick
; see  for similar script
; or the various help pages on ControlSend etc.

#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.

~LButton Up::

If (A_PriorHotKey = A_ThisHotKey and A_TimeSincePriorHotkey < 500) {
if ((class = "#32770" or class="CabinetWClass" or class="ExploreWClass") and IsSelected = 0) { ; if open/save dialog OR explorer
ControlGetText prevDir, ComboBox1, ahk_class #32770 ; gets the name of the current folder from the combobox
ControlSend,,{BS},ahk_id %ControlHwnd% ; sends backspace
Sleep 30
Loop, parse, prevDir
ControlSendRaw, SysListView321, %A_LoopField%, ahk_class #32770 ; sends letters from the previous folder's name one after another to reach folder quickly
ControlGet, testSelected, List, Selected, SysListView321, ahk_class #32770 ; checks selected folder
if (testSelected = prevDir) { ; if selected folder is the folder we come from


} else
; info about window/ control the mouse is hovering over
WinGetClass, class, ahk_id %id%
; checks if a file or folder is selected in the dialog box
ControlGet, IsSelected, List, Count Selected, SysListView321, ahk_id %id%

I tested it 1500 times and it seems to be working :)

Two problems remain :

1- if you double-click the scrollbar (which can happen a lot, as i realised) it goes to parent folder. I have to find a way to exclude scrollbars (edit : i think a found something, i'll give it a try tomorrow)
2- With the new feature mentionned above, the script gets a little confused when there is no parent folder to go to (ie Desktop - it's the only case i guess), but no big deal. Just *not clean*.

Thanks ! :)

I modified it so it works in explorer windows too.

Menu tray, icon, daddyclick.ico ; remove this if you don't want to use custom tray icon
; DaddyClick
; see  for similar script
; or the various help pages on ControlSend etc.
; todo: limit it to explorer , open/save dialogue box and special folders
;         limit to only run when not selected

#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.

~LButton Up::

If (A_PriorHotKey = A_ThisHotKey and A_TimeSincePriorHotkey < 500) {
if ((class = "#32770" or class="CabinetWClass" or class="ExploreWClass") and IsSelected = 0) ; if active window is open/save dialog and no file/folder is selected
ControlSend,,{BS},ahk_id %ControlHwnd%
} else { ; on first click
; info about window/ control the mouse is hovering over
WinGetClass, class, ahk_id %id%
; checks if a file or folder is selected in the dialog box
ControlGet, IsSelected, List, Count Selected, SysListView321, ahk_id %id%

I also made an icon because i like to use custom tray icon so i can easily locate scripts in the tray. It is in the zip attached to this post.

I think i did it !

My code may be very messy and ugly but it seems to work. It's based on your code Justice :

; DaddyClick
; see  for similar script
; or the various help pages on ControlSend etc.
; todo: limit it to explorer , open/save dialogue box and special folders
;         limit to only run when not selected

#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.

~LButton Up::

If (A_PriorHotKey = A_ThisHotKey and A_TimeSincePriorHotkey < 500) {
if (class = "#32770" and IsSelected = 0) ; if active window is open/save dialog and no file/folder is selected
ControlSend,,{BS},ahk_id %ControlHwnd%
} else { ; on first click
; info about window/ control the mouse is hovering over
WinGetClass, class, ahk_id %id%
; checks if a file or folder is selected in the dialog box
ControlGet, IsSelected, List, Count Selected, SysListView321, ahk_id %id%

Any improvement and/or advice is welcome :)

If you want to do this in autohotkey, you'll probably have to set a doubleclick 'hotkey' and check if it's initiated in an explorer class, possibly file open/save dialog. This is not hard to do. A double click is a succession of two clicks within the same window within a specified time, although I would advice to look at the source of some of Skrommel's AHK scripts, because I'm sure he's used one to detect a triple click.
Yep, i'll try to find how to detect double-click.

However you also have to check you are not clicking on a folder or file but in empty space, and I am not sure how they are recognised. That will be the tricky part.
Yeah, that's what i was thinking, i'm a total newbie so i have no idea how to do that ...

Hmmmm well :) At least, maybe someone could give me hints on how to do such a thing in AHK ? It could be a nice first AHK project ...

Thanks :)

Ok, well, my name is Adrien, i live in Paris, France. I'm 27 and i (try to) make illustrations and comics for a living. I always spend (too much) time looking for cool life-changing softwares, ran into donationcoder and loved it. So here i am !

By the way, i juste discovered AutoHotKey thanks to this forum and it seems extremely powerful and interesting. I'd love to use it so if anyone has tips or tutorials, any help would be really appreciated.

Bye !

Hi, i use FreeCommander all the time and one feature i love about it is that you can go to parent folder by double-clicking whitespace (it even highlights the parent folder which is great). I use this feature so much that i always find myself trying to use it accidentally in every other software (i.e. when opening/saving in Photoshop).

I found a little software that enable this double-clicking thing in every explorer window (that means open/save windows too), but this program also does a lot of other things that i really don't care about and i don't like the idea of having my memory occupied for nothing (i use a laptop with low mem).

So if someone had the possibility and time to think about a program (or AHK script) of this kind, that would be really great.


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