Find and Run Robot
ClipTray - Middle mouse button Brings up Clipboard menu with all my clips with savable clips
Xfire - Chat client
Logitech G15 keyboard Apps - Notepad, Stats, Etc
Fraps - Record game vids
AuctionSieve - Ebay Search tool
Open Target Shell extension - Daemon tools Right Click shell ext - Same link as above
SongBird - Mp3 player
Transfz - Like Clipboard tool, but More extras, Used to change text into Lower or Higher cased.
Netvibes - Not a Util just a Portal style RSS and Email start page for Inet - - used for stats to see how much i download per day or month, to work out if im gonna hit cap or get arrested

KompoZer - Webpage Editor
DigiGuide - TV Guide
TreeSize Professional
CDisplay - Comic Book reader
Ultramon - 2 screen tool
RocketDock - Applemac style Menu
Advanced File Organizer - Used to sort cd's and harddrive places, But looking for a freeware version.
Stickies - Post it notes on desktop Stickies 6.0b
Logmein - remote desktop support
I use alot of tools, on diff machines, but list above are my faves
Edit forgot to add - GMAILDRIVE - very handy for transfer of data