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Messages - ak_ [ switch to compact view ]

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<RANT>Ok, i need to get an iPod Nano 8gb for my girlfriend's birthday so i thought it would be wise to use a sniping tool due to the popularity of those iPods en eBay. I use to free version of auctionstealer from time to time and i'm quite happy with it, so i decided to upgrade to the premium version for a month, to get 3 seconds sniping and unlimited snipes. I went on the website, logged in, used my paypal account to pay 11.9$, payment went well etc. It's been two days now and the upgrade who was supposed to be done immediately hasn't been activated yet. I have no news from AuctionStealer whatsoever and my support email is still unanswered.</RANT>

Living Room / Re: Show us your (physical) desktop
« on: May 18, 2008, 07:37 PM »
Thank you :) It was a little experiment, i was looking for a more distorted, Picasso-esque effect by chosing different angles for every photo and stitching em together. It's kinda working on the keyboard but not really on the rest of the picture so maybe i need to be more radical with the angles :) I'll keep trying. The funny fact is that i can almost simulate different points of view by changing some parameters.

Anyway, my screensaver is Fliqlo.

Living Room / Re: Show us your (physical) desktop
« on: May 18, 2008, 06:40 PM »

(click to go to Flickr)

tomg> FileNanny already converts underscores and minus signs etc to spaces (just launch the FileNanny exe to see the options). By "proper directory naming", do you mean capitalizing every first letter ? I can add this option.

I'm glad people find it useful :) I never use it myself, to be honest :)

nogojoe> i don't know why the problem is fixed but i'm glad it is ! :D

skooter> if you mean putting an icon in the context menu, i'm afraid it's not possible. I would have to create a real shell extension and i don't know how to do that (i'd really like to).

Likewise, I'd love to kill Live Messenger when I click to close it.
I gave it a shot :
;; Kick messenger
;; by ak

SetBatchLines, -1
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
SetMouseDelay, -1
SetKeyDelay, -1
MouseGetPos, ClickX, ClickY, winID

Wingetclass winClass, ahk_id %winID%
Winget winPID, PID, ahk_id %winID%

if (winClass != "MSBLWindowClass")
if IsOverCloseButton(ClickX, ClickY, winID)
  Process close, %winPID%

IsOverCloseButton(x, y, hWnd)
   SendMessage, 0x84,, (x & 0xFFFF) | (y & 0xFFFF) << 16,, ahk_id %hWnd%
   return (ErrorLevel == 20)

It works on my computer. It kills Live Messenger's process when you click its close button. The only problem with killing the process is that Messenger's tray icon stays visible (until you hover it with your mouse). At least that's what it does on my XP.

EXE version here :

Glad you like it nosh, and thanks a lot for the feedback. I ran all my tests with files within the FileNanny folder, that's why i never spotted this bug. It's corrected now :)

Ok, it's been quite a long time :)

Here's the latest version of FileNanny.

What's new ?
  • File name is now FileNanny with two capital letters (that's for Curt)
  • You can choose your own context menu text from the GUI
  • You can choose wether you want . - _ and %20 converted to spaces or not
  • Two modes : you can modify folder name only if you press Shift while launching FileNanny OR you can always modify folder name unless you press Shift while launching FileNanny (you choose that in the GUI)
  • FileNanny doesn't mess up with files containing multiple dots anymore (only the extension is removed)
  • Files without extension are handled

I think that's it :) Any proposition or bug report is welcome. By the way, nogojoe, i have no idea where the bug you talk about comes from. It's really weird.

Here's the code, i think it's quite messy but i don't really feel like cleaning it up right now :)
;; FileNanny
;; "Go to your room !"
;; by ak

#SingleInstance ignore
iniFile = %A_ScriptDir%\FileNanny.ini
if 0 = 0
gosub CreateGUI
gosub checkboxes

Iniread shiftKey, %iniFile%, options, shiftKey
GetKeyState kstate, Shift
if (shiftKey = 1 and kstate = "D")
  editFolder = 1
if (shiftKey = 0 and kstate = "U")
  editfolder = 1
Loop, %0%
param := %A_Index%
SplitPath param, fileName, dirName, extension, fileNameNoExt
rawName = %fileNameNoExt%
gosub convert
if editFolder = 1
  InputBox InputRawName, FileNanny, Name of the folder to create, , 320, 120, , , , , %rawName%
  rawName = %InputRawName%
  if ErrorLevel
FileMove %param%, %param%.FileNanny
dirToCreate = %dirName%\%rawName%
FileCreateDir %dirToCreate%
FileMove %param%.FileNanny, %param%
fileNewName = %rawName%.%extension%
FileMove %param%, %dirToCreate%\%fileNewName%

  gui destroy
  RegRead, regTest, HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, *\shell\FileNanny
  if strlen(regTest) = 0
    button1Text = Add context menu item
    button1Action = addCMI
    button1Text = Remove context menu item
    button1Action = remCMI
  sendToFolder = %UserProfile%\SendTo
  ifnotExist %sendToFolder%\filenanny.lnk
    button2text = Add 'Send to' shortcut
    button2action = addST
    button2text = Remove 'Send to' shortcut
    button2action = remST
  Gui, Add, Button, x126 y195 w70 h30 gQuit, Quit
  Gui, Add, Tab, x3 y5 w315 h230 vSelectedTab, Configuration|Options
  Gui, Font, s9 w600
  Gui tab, Configuration
  Gui font, norm
  Gui, Add, Button, x90 y65 w140 h30 g%button1Action% vCMIb, %button1Text%
  Gui, Add, Button, x90 y125 w140 h30 g%button2Action% vSTb, %button2Text%
  Gui tab, Options
  if strlen(regTest) = 0
    regTest = n/a
    disabledOrNot = disabled
  Gui, Add, text, x26 y59 w190 h20 vCurrentCMI, Current : %regTest%
  Gui, Add, Button, x226 y55 w70 h20 %disabledOrNot% gchangeCMI vCMIc, Change
  Gui, Add, GroupBox, x16 y35 w290 h50 , Context menu text
  Gui, Add, CheckBox, x16 y95 w300 h30 vshiftKey gini, Holding the Shift key is required to modify `nfolder name before its creation
  Gui, Add, GroupBox, x16 y135 w290 h50 , Convert these to spaces
  Gui, Add, CheckBox, x30 y150 w50 h30 vconvDot gini, .
  Gui, Add, CheckBox, x80 y150 w50 h30 vconvMinus gini, -
  Gui, Add, CheckBox, x130 y150 w50 h30 vconvUnderscore gini, _
  Gui, Add, CheckBox, x180 y150 w50 h30 vconvPercent gini, `%20
  Gui, Show, h240 w320, FileNanny

Gui submit, NoHide
Iniwrite %shiftKey%, %iniFile%, options, shiftkey
Iniwrite %convDot%, %iniFile%, convert, dots
Iniwrite %convMinus%, %iniFile%, convert, minus
Iniwrite %convUnderscore%, %iniFile%, convert, underscore
Iniwrite %convPercent%, %iniFile%, convert, percent

Iniread shiftKey, %iniFile%, options, shiftKey
Iniread convDot, %iniFile%, convert, dots
Iniread convMinus, %iniFile%, convert, minus
Iniread convUnderscore, %iniFile%, convert, underscore
Iniread convPercent, %iniFile%, convert, percent
Guicontrol ,,shiftKey, %shiftKey%
Guicontrol ,,convDot, %convDot%
Guicontrol ,,convMinus, %convMinus%
Guicontrol ,,convUnderscore, %convUnderscore%
Guicontrol ,,convPercent, %convPercent%

Iniread convDot, %iniFile%, convert, dots
Iniread convMinus, %iniFile%, convert, minus
Iniread convUnderscore, %iniFile%, convert, underscore
Iniread convPercent, %iniFile%, convert, percent
if convDot = 1
  StringReplace rawName, rawName, ., %A_SPACE%, A
if convMinus = 1
  StringReplace rawName, rawName, -, %A_SPACE%, A
if convUnderscore = 1
  StringReplace rawName, rawName, _, %A_SPACE%, A
if convPercent = 1
  StringReplace rawName, rawName, `%20, %A_SPACE%, A

RegRead, regTest, HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, *\shell\FileNanny
Inputbox newCMI, Enter new context menu text, Please choose the text that will appear in the context menu., , , , , , , , %regTest%
If ErrorLevel
  RegWrite, REG_SZ, HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, *\shell\FileNanny, , %newCMI%
  Guicontrol,, currentCMI, Current : %newCMI%

RegWrite, REG_SZ, HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, *\shell\FileNanny, , FileNann&y !
RegWrite, REG_SZ, HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, *\shell\FileNanny\command, , "%A_ScriptFullPath%" "`%L"
Guicontrol,, CMIb, Remove context menu item
Guicontrol +gremCMI, CMIb
Guicontrol,, currentCMI, Current : FileNann&y !
Guicontrol enable, CMIc

RegDelete HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, *\shell\FileNanny
Guicontrol,, CMIb, Add context menu item
Guicontrol +gaddCMI, CMIb
Guicontrol,, currentCMI, Current : n/a
Guicontrol disable, CMIc

FileCreateShortcut, %A_ScriptFullPath%, %sendToFolder%\filenanny.lnk
Guicontrol,, STb, Remove 'Send to' shortcut
Guicontrol +gremST, STb

FileDelete, %sendToFolder%\filenanny.lnk
Guicontrol,, STb, Add 'Send to' shortcut
Guicontrol +gaddST, STb


Living Room / Re: How many people work from home?
« on: April 05, 2008, 04:56 AM »
[off topic]mouser, nudone> ok i'll find the time to do it someday :)[/off topic]

Living Room / Re: How many people work from home?
« on: April 04, 2008, 05:46 PM »
I work from home and i'm self-employed. I draw stuff.

Living Room / Re: Your happiness right now
« on: April 04, 2008, 04:03 PM »
I think that rating my happiness might make me very miserable :)

I think it starts nicely but it seems like the author tried too hard to get 25 entries. Maybe it would have been better less, more accurate ideas. But it's still funny.

When i'm watching series like 24, i'm always amazed to see how many useless visual animations are displayed before showing information, opening a window of whatever, even if people at CTU are in a hurry 24/7.

Worst of all, i hate this thing that you can see in 95% of spy movies :
- Hey what's this ? There, this little dot in the background ? Zoom 8000% please...
- Ok, done.
- Hmm, looks like a face but it's blurry, sharpen the image...
- Done.
- Wow ! It's the killer !

I hate that. I hate that i hate that i hate that i hate that i hate that. In 24, they even zoom on a picture taken from Jack's cell phone to read a serial number on a object in a terrorist's pocket. I hate that.

It's really too bad that you can't replace double-clicking by middle-clicking, because i use an ahk script to go to parent folder when double-clicking empty area. I was very surprised when i saw that i couldn't change this.

Developer's Corner / Re: Change Wacom properties with hotkeys ?
« on: March 26, 2008, 06:57 AM »
Thanks a lot cthorpe, i'll take a look at this.

My only concern is :
(you have to close the app and reopen it first)

I really can't do that, i switch pressure senstivity all the time while i'm drawing so i can't close and reopen Photoshop every time.

General Software Discussion / Re: Monitor system changes
« on: March 26, 2008, 06:54 AM »
Tahnks a lot for your answers. Unfortunately i've tried every program and couldn't find any answer.

I even watched wacom_tablet.dat and couldn't find any modifications to the file.

I'll keep looking.

General Software Discussion / Monitor system changes
« on: March 25, 2008, 02:01 PM »
I'm wondering if there's a way to monitor system changes (file writing, registry modification etc) done by softwares. In fact, i'd like to be able to launch my Wacom tablet control panel (yes, again), change a property and get a log of the operations induced by this action (modification to a file or the registry or whatever).

Which software could i use ?


Developer's Corner / Re: Change Wacom properties with hotkeys ?
« on: March 24, 2008, 01:16 PM »
Ok well, i didn't completely solve my problem but i've made some progress so i post here because it might be interesting to Ampa (and maybe others).

I found a cleaner way to change the pen pressure (even if i still need to open Wacom properties and get to right tab for the script to work) :
SendMessage 0x405, 0x00000001, 0xffff800?, , ahk_id 0x90b66
...where ? is the position on the slider (from 1 to 7).

0x405 is the type of message i send, TBM_SETPOS, which is a message specific to sliders to (yes) set its position.
0x00000001 is the lParam value, which i found using Winspector.
0xffff800? is the wParam value.
0x90b66 is the HWND of the "Pen pressure" slider.

I hope these values will work on other systems.

I'll keep trying to improve this :)

EDIT> ok, looks like i got enthousiast too fast. It changes the cursor's position but it doesn't actually change the pen pressure. It's like moving the cursor without "validating" its position. So it doesn't work :(

EDIT AGAIN> also, i was confused about HWND, i didn't realized it wasn't permanent, so of course my script was all wrong.

Now i use this and it works fine even if it's not really as clean as i'd like it to be :

Pressure at 7 (max) :
Controlsend, msctls_trackbar322,{End}, Propriétés de la tablette Wacom

Pressure at 5 :
Controlsend, msctls_trackbar322,{End}{Left}{Left}, Propriétés de la tablette Wacom

Of course here i use the french window title "Propriétés de la tablette Wacom".

I tried it and it couldn't eject a usb hard drive when its contents was displayed in Freecommander. So eject is not guaranteed after all. Too bad.

Developer's Corner / Re: Change Wacom properties with hotkeys ?
« on: March 13, 2008, 11:01 AM »

Pleeaase, anyone, any idea ? Even vague.


Developer's Corner / Change Wacom properties with hotkeys ?
« on: March 11, 2008, 09:59 AM »
Here's my problem : during work, i always need to change Wacom's pen sensitivity. At first, i did it through the Wacom control panel, which was a real pain in the toochie and a loss of time. Then i made some dirty ahk script to send some clicks to the control panel and change the pressure sensitivity. I gained some time, but it's not very satisfying : i need to open the control panel and go to right tab to make it work, sometimes it doesn't work and after a sensitivity change the pressure is disabled until i click somewhere.

So my question is : do you think there's a way to change Wacom properties directly, without going through the control panel ? Maybe by changing a ini file or a registry entry, i don't know.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Post New Requests Here / Re: IDEA: Drop to disconnect
« on: March 09, 2008, 04:18 AM »
I think USB Disk Ejector could be helpful.

Honestly, i don't see how such a thing would be convenient. I mean when i draw a line from the bottom-left corner to the upper-right of my tablet, it draws a line from the bottom-left corner to the upper-right of my screen and i think that's great, because i don't feel like buying a 24" tablet :) I don't feel like using 50% of my screen either.

This said, maybe the solution to your problem is using the stylus in "mouse mode" (you can select that in the configuration panel). But i think using the stylus this way would be really painful and annoying.

nudone> i tried to to come up with an answer to that, but as i never had issues with "absolute positionning", i don't know if it's because i've always used Wacom tablets or because the problem you're referring to never bothered me. So i think i can't help you here, sorry :(

nudone> i'm sure you weren't saying that :) But you said that you thought that digital art you like were good "mainly because of all the other editing features you get from using software" and i say they are good because the guy holding the stylus (or mouse) is a good artist. Computer just helped him achieve his goal faster/easier.

tomos> i use a Wacom Intuos 3 6x8 (A5 here in France).

tranglos> i don't know if it could really help you in these tasks. My tablet has some buttons that i find very useful (i can assign shortcuts to them and make things go faster), but actually they're useful when i'm drawing and that's it. My opinion is that tablets aren't useful outside graphic activities (even if i've known people preferring tablet over mouse for casual use - i don't).

Well, i've always been told that absolutely no brand was reliable except Wacom but i've always taken advice from illustrators who used their tablets intensively, so maybe another brand could be ok for your use. If i were you, i'd try to find a Wacom Graphire 2 (a brand new one) because they're very nice (when my old tablet died, i used a Graphire 2 to work and it was ok) and now they're very cheap because Graphire's current version is 4, as i heard. So if you can get your hands on an old Graphire version, it could be a nice solution.

This said, i'd like to add a few words to answer Nudone's post. I've been using a (Wacom) tablet for about 7 or 8 years now. I draw with it, paint with it and i don't even use pencil sketches or anything because i'm totally used to working this way. I use it for illustrations (the pressure is absolutely essential to me because of the paint-like render i use), comics (comic book artist Scott Mc Loud draws with a tablet too, and i think the number of comic book artists working this way is increasing these days) and i don't feel like using "a fat bendy ink pen whilst wearing thick leather gloves". I guess it's just a matter of practice.

And about :
the art i've seen online obviously means people are more than capable of getting brilliant results from them - though, i think this is mainly because of all the other editing features you get from using software like layers, dodging/burning, masking and undo
This is a false idea. I used to hang on art forums a while ago, and regularly there were new guys coming with the same (very very false) idea that their computer will help them making better art. They were always given the same answers : "If you can't use a pencil properly, you won't use a tablet any better" and "A computer can't replace taste/skills/technique/imagination". Of course, the features you mentionned are very useful, but they are just a way to do things easier or quicker. A good coder can use notepad, and end up with a great program, but the lack of features will make the process long and painful - this is equally true for artists, i guess.

I hope i don't seem angry, because i am really not :)

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