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Messages - ak_ [ switch to compact view ]

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I'm glad to see my little thingie does the job :)

Should I wait to see if Andy's context info can be implemented into FileNanny?
Andy's information is very interesting. Knowing this, it should be easy to add a config GUI to add/remove the context menu entry. I don't know when i'll have the time to work on it because right now i'm in holiday AND i have work to do (tell me about working at home and freedom :P) I think i'll have some time on friday so maybe we should consider that FileNanny is now 1.0 and will be 1.1 on friday :D

Here it is : FileNanny

;; FileNanny
;; "Go to your room !"
;; by ak
Loop, %0% {
param := %A_Index%
SplitPath param, fileName, dirName
StringSplit rawName, fileName, "."
dirToCreate = %dirName%\%rawName1%
FileCreateDir %dirToCreate%
FileMove %param%, %dirToCreate%

Actually, a nice solution is to put a shortcut to fileNanny.exe in the sendTo folder. It works with multiple files.

I quickly created an icon because i don't like software (even crappy little stuff like that) without icon, but i'm not sure the picture is very obvious (i hate using the mouse).

It's a solution, but then the user has to install Fast Explorer, use it to create the correct context menu entry etc.

Anyway, i'll try to work it out until someone comes with a better solution (a single program).

It would be quite easy to make an AHK script that takes the file's name and folder, create a folder with the same name and move the file to this folder. The only "problem" would be to add the context menu item. I use fast explorer for this kind of stuff (until ContextMenu Commander is released :-*), for example i have a "ftp" sub-menu with several ftp locations i often use.

So if i had to face this kind of situation, i'd use ahk+fast explorer but i guess it's not user-friendly.

Post New Requests Here / Re: IDEA: a hand to move in a document
« on: July 27, 2007, 04:14 AM »
The Grab n drag addon adds this feature in Firefox and now i can't live without it.

Find And Run Robot / Re: new launcher just released
« on: July 25, 2007, 03:40 AM »
I really agree with nitrix, we should be able to select indexing (or not) for each alias individually. For example, i wouldn't use indexing to search start menu, but i definitely would to browse my mp3 collection.

Problem :

I'm using nitrix's alias to browse my music collection :

I decide i want to launch the second item, so i hit 2 on the numpad and then :

So jpgaiva's answer is : you can't use numpad with aliases because of fcalc. If that's the reason, i'm wondering if it could be set as an option, because i don't use fcalc but use the numpad a lot.

Hope it's clearer now :)

Oh crap... I hope this will be set as an option in the future, because i don't use fcalc. Thanks jpgaiva :)

Living Room / Re: Request for AHK help...I feel so dumb...
« on: July 24, 2007, 05:35 AM »
Yeah, Abterix is right, there's no code to send the variable in your script, so it's pretty normal it doesn't work :)

Abterix's code should work to test the script, then if it displays the variable correctly, replace the MsgBox line with :
Send %v12%

Thanks for your answer. I also thought it could be an configuration problem, so i checked the options and didn't find anything. Actually i use numpad all the time with farr, the problem only occurs with this alias. Weird... Mouser, any idea maybe ?

Thanks nitrix, it works ! However, i have a little problem : i can't use numpad to launch a result. When i press a numpad key it adds the number to the search instead of launching the corresponding item. How come ?

Sorry i can't help you with that, i'd just like to know if you could share these aliases and stuff because i'm looking for a way to browse my mp3 collection just like you do. Besides, it would help to understand how aliases work because i can't find any valuable instructions (maybe i didn't search very well).

Great plugin, i'm trying it right now...

edit> Tested :) I'm wondering, is there a way (in a future release maybe) to automatically paste selected item instead of recopying it ?

indexing, which will let farr be able to search through mp3 tag information, is coming, and will be a combination of built-in code for maintaining indices, and plugins to let other programs add meta information.

Maybe this idea is crazy, not faisable or simply plain stupid, but here it is. For a few days now, i've been using farr to search my mp3 library from time to time, and find it quite convenient. Maybe there would be a way to make farr some kind of mp3 manager. Mouser mentionned the upcoming database option, which could be an improvement for mp3 handling, considering the amount of files. But then i thought, it would be awesome to find a way to store id3 in a database and have farr search it. This way we could use lightweight players (like xmplay) and still have quick access to mp3. No more memory-eating programs like iTunes etc.

Maybe that's an idiotic thought, i dunno...

FARR Plugins and Aliases / Re: Requesting good alias files
« on: July 19, 2007, 02:58 PM »
I was wondering... Is there some kind of alias tutorial somewhere ? I have no idea where to start and how to do it.

FARR Plugins and Aliases / Re: FarrUninstall plugin - v1.0
« on: July 17, 2007, 03:08 PM »
Awesome, just when i was thinking that a plugin like that would be great.

I guess it's "bye bye Safarp" :)

Post New Requests Here / Re: idea: open folder context menu item
« on: July 16, 2007, 02:41 PM »
You could use something like Fast Explorer to edit context menu. It works fine for me.

Or you can wait for Mouser's "Context menu commander" :D

Living Room / Re: New 7 Wonders of the World
« on: July 09, 2007, 10:11 AM »
I definitely agree with you jpgaiva :)

Living Room / Re: New 7 Wonders of the World
« on: July 09, 2007, 09:40 AM »
Really, i cannot understand why the Christ Redeemer from Brazil was elected. There's nothing great about it (especially compares to the other stuff).

Also, i love Easter Islands statues, it's a shame they're note selected :(

According to my poor AHK knowledge, i think it should be easily done with it. I can't give it a try right now cause i'm off to bed but i bet there are ahk experts here who will be able to do this in 5 minutes :)

Hmmm, I haven't had any problems with dbPowerAmp myself. Does Switch have 'right click -> convert' integration into explorer?
Yes it does.

Living Room / Re: Diet coke bomb in two simple steps
« on: July 02, 2007, 02:25 PM »
Ahahah, love it. I still need to try this mentos + coke thing myself...

Very nice post BrokenNails :)

I used to use dbPowerAmp all the time too, but i've been disapointed with the latest version so i looked for an alternative and found Switch. Convert anything to anything very simply, i like it and it's free. The "plus" version offers a command-line ability that should very interesting with Drag n Drop Robot.

Also, i was looking for a nice alternative to Winamp and discovered XMPlay (thanks to *i don't remember who* on this forum) and i love it. You should try it.

Living Room / Re: Anyone planning on buying an iPhone?
« on: June 30, 2007, 02:06 AM »
Actually, i'd rather buy one of those :

An opensource smartphone running under Linux, looks nice. If i had any money...

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