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Messages - Lintalist [ switch to compact view ]

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Just a thought: why not a cloud provider? (Note just random search results)

Just fyi - you could, by the looks of it, add it relatively easily (short amount of code) for Windows 10 users by using the built-in OCR
"Windows.Media.Ocr: Provides optical character recognition (OCR) API for reading text from images." @ https://docs.microso...pi/

AutoHotkey script(s) https://www.autohotk....php?f=6&t=72674

Lintalist v1.9.11 @

v1.9.10 New comment plugin, Always on Top, Show/Hide Gui using StartSearchHotkey, other improvements -

  • New: Comment plugin - add comment to snippet which will be removed before pasting. Use as visual reminder or search aid.
  • New: On Top button/option in Search Window ctrl+t (per search)
  • New: Option to show/hide the Search Window with the same shortcut (StartSearchHotkeyToggle setting)
  • New: View menu in Search Window to toggle wide/narrow window and On Top
  • New: Make a 64-bit version available for download as well (a renamed AutoHotkeyU64.exe)
  • New: EditorAutoCloseBrackets setting to define some editor hotstrings, example `[` -> `[[|]]`
  • Change: More flexible plugin check syntax in Editor (was too strict with regards to `[[..]]`). (EditorSnippetErrorCheck setting)
  • Fix/Change: Disable Search GUI shortcuts when using the non-default ColumnSort setting (NoSort)

v1.9.9 - String, Query plugins - shortcuts for first 10 results, various fixes

* New: Search GUI shortcuts for first 10 search result (Alt+1..0) - show numbers as text and/or icons. 
* New: String plugin to transform text (upper, lower, sentence, title case, trim...)
* New: Query plugin and QueryDelimiter setting. Use (parts of) search query in Snippets.
* New: Editor - 'shortcuts' (Keyboard accelerators) for the (Edit) controls.
* Change: removed Pgdown and Pgup hotkeys, no longer worked correctly and not all that useful
* Change/fix: Change how columns are set for listview to prevent accidental hiding of columns 
* Fix: Choice plugin Cancel/Esc not storing position properly
* Fix: Pausing / Enabling Shortcuts didn't work correctly, worked only after restart
* Update TitleCase() to v1.2

See for details.

@nod5 I use Vis2 - a AutoHotkey script to grab a screenarea which then does the OCR using Tesseract - if you look in the bin folder you'll see the exe and language files - - I also use that exe + language file(s) in batch files and other scripts to process image files and it works well enough.

Image on text is always going to be tricky - no doubt commercial software (which I also use) is better, I mainly use Vis2 to quickly grab a few paragraphs of text from locked PDFs which I can't be bothered to unlock or those pesky websites that find it a good idea to block select/copy using javascript. It's just a hotkey away and I have the text I need, simple & fast - and free :)

So the question is how many screenshots you are going to make with text on images or complex tables? My guess is not that many for most people. So even it works 50% of the time its worth a shot.

I've had pretty good results with Tesseract actually - if you're going with the English 'fast' library data + the exe its only 7.8mb (other libraries are bigger and slower it seems but might produce better results). The tesseract.exe works just fine in 'portable' mode, no need to install it - just keep the exe + trainingdata file in the same folder. It can be slow if you feed it large image files but for screenshots it shouldn't take longer as a few seconds in my experience.

Of course the more languages you add the larger it gets and you may wish to offer some clear instructions and options to users how to add and handle them.

General Software Discussion / Re: Looking for AsciiDoc editor
« on: September 03, 2019, 01:06 PM »
Just for reference and AutoHotkey users:
Asciidoctor.ahk: a small GUI app for Asciidoctor users. It will monitor the changes in the .adoc files and create/update .html ones accordingly.

General Software Discussion / Re: Goodbye, Bitbucket!
« on: August 24, 2019, 06:21 AM »
Java indeed - I just checked which version I tried a few years ago - v1.36 - it worked well locally but in the end I didn't need it to have something like this - I remembered just now I had it. It is/was indeed very easy to setup - just start "scm-server.bat" and its up.

https://bitbucket.or.../default/LICENSE.txt (the source is on bitbucket, the irony)

Gittea is also very easy and cross platform but it is GIT of course

I just read that there are people working on mercurial + gitlab as a fork, discussion with links and presentation

General Software Discussion / Re: Goodbye, Bitbucket!
« on: August 24, 2019, 05:52 AM »
Before I forget - re selfhosting: SCM-Manager - share and manage your Git, Mercurial and Subversion repositories over http
  • Very easy installation
  • No need to hack configuration files, SCM-Manager is completely configureable from its Web-Interface
  • No Apache and no database installation is required
  • Central user, group and permission management
  • Out of the box support for Git, Mercurial and Subversion
  • Full RESTFul Web Service API (JSON and XML)
  • Rich User Interface
  • Simple Plugin API
  • Useful plugins available (f.e. Ldap-, ActiveDirectory-, PAM-Authentication)
  • Licensed under the BSD-License

General Software Discussion / Re: Goodbye, Bitbucket!
« on: August 21, 2019, 03:44 PM »
Well you could use mercurial locally and Pijul for the public, just to make it needlessly complex :)

Re mercurial, Sourcehut - not free but cheap - also bitbucket migration script :)

General Software Discussion / Re: Goodbye, Bitbucket!
« on: August 21, 2019, 02:59 PM »
How about (haven't tried it, just sounds interesting just as Darcshub)

Btw, does anyone know how to change the time of when F.lux switches between daytime and nighttime mode? I search on that site but no anser. Thanks!
Perhaps this program might be of interest as it has lots of manual and automatic options incl timers to change various settings. Quite a learning curve no doubt but perhaps worth the effort. Per monitor (if I'm not mistaken) and freeware and portable :)

clickmonitorddc @

Glad to hear it works for you :-)

All bundles are loaded in memory so that shouldn't matter much, depending on the context only some are shown/used in the Gui while searching so that might have an influence. Say you have a HTML bundle there no need to always show it as you only need while editing HTML files, but that bundle is loaded at startup.

I'm sure that at some point you will notice a "lag" but I doubt very much that would occur soon unless you have very large snippets (my longest snippets are about "2 or 3 pages of text" for example, my largest bundle is 3500+ items and I use about 20 bundles in total). If you put the entire New York phone book in a bundle there I'm sure it will be slow. (If I recall correctly I've done some tests with 25K snippets in a bundle and it still worked OK)

If you do tend to notice it start to slow down because you have a very large bundle(s) and/or snippet(s) you can perhaps move some snippets to text files by using the [[file=]] plugin - - that way the content is only loaded when you use that particular snippet. You can use Part2 as a description of Part1 (where you would/could use File=) -

General Software Discussion / Re: Qucik Pop Menu for pasting text
« on: April 04, 2019, 01:58 PM »
Again, perhaps Lintalist - you can assign a hotkey OR hotstring OR search for the item you need :)

Or if you are looking for a clipboard tool with templates to store perhaps these managers will work for you

General Software Discussion / Re: Text Expander for Windows
« on: April 04, 2019, 01:28 PM »
TypingAid could be useful as well, also AutoHotkey, also free.

General Software Discussion / Re: Text Expander for Windows
« on: April 01, 2019, 03:35 PM »
Perhaps Lintalist ;D https://www.donation...ex.php?topic=41475.0
(not directly suitable for typos and "one word" only replacements, but it has some nice "plugins" which may be useful for larger texts.

v1.9.8 - new FileList plugin, Choice search, Statistics, improved TitleCase, bug fixes ...

  • New: [[FileList]] plugin returns list of file names from folder - see DOC for all available options
  • New: [[Choice]] Search (filter as you type) option for Choice by adding ! similar to ? Question help/text;Allow user to resize Choice GUI; Use FontSize for Choice GUI (in the listbox) incl. Auto Center checkbox
  • New: Editor save size and position (resize by dragging window border)
  • New: Optional Statistics (see Configuration)
  • Update: Title case for selected/clipboard plugins now uses TitleCase() for more flexibility also available as seperate function (for AHK)
  • Change: LCID values for Calendar and DateTime can now be Hexidecimal values as well (L1036 and L0x040C = French)
  • bug fixes, doc update etc...

Nice - Reminds me of a program I used long ago, called gren (which was just a compiled perl script afaik).
Archived page here http://web.archive.o...karpo/gren/gren.html (from 2002)
"GREN can do all things DOS's RENAME can. However, GREN's power comes from being able to understand Perl's regular expressions (REGEXPs)."

I still have the program although I haven't used it this decade - attached for those interested as the archived download link might not work.

Don't install it in program files, it needs to be able to write to a sub folder (history and templates) - Move it to c:\portable\clcl or something like that ("Documents" should also work) - you should have a "user folder" in the old CLCL folder on your other computer so if your user name was
screenshot1  you should have "clcl\screenshot1" in there you will find

regist.dat -> templates
clcl.ini -> duh
history.dat -> clipboard history

copy those files to your new "user name folder" (close CLCL first of course).

Living Room / Re: snipping tool with image editor
« on: December 23, 2018, 08:02 AM »
I like Greenshot myself (also portable) which has a builtin editor (ShareX used to use the greenshot editor) - another option may be Snipaste (also portable) - details

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