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General Software Discussion / Re: CLCL
« on: December 05, 2017, 02:34 PM »
Assuming you mean this clipboard program https://www.donation...?topic=2866.msg19360 you can just copy the files in the CLCL folder, you don't need to install it as such. The important files are the INI and history.dat file(s). So copy your current CLCL folder and just copy it to a new machine or location - its a portable application as described here

Lintalist v1.9.3 -

  • Improved: TriggerKeys now accept more keys such as ½ or + (+ character, not shift) for example
  • Improved: Now there is also a 32x32 size icon button bar accommodating high(er) DPI settings (see BigIcons in settings)
  • New: added TryClipboard() to see if clipboard is inaccessible, if so "catch" error and do nothing
  • New: Make it possible to include contents of Snippet (part 1 and 2) in script code incl. caret position per snippet (see "Script" in Documentation)
  • Change: Similar to modal windows for Local variable etc, Snippet editor now modal  - see also v1.8
  • Fix: Adding support for UTF-8 characters in Local variabe & Counter Editors ht @exetico
  • Fix: ReadIni() now writes in UTF-16 to store settings correctly
  • Fix: Closing using X in title bar didn't store Window position for users with Center=2 and now save it to settings.ini as well
  • Fix: Closing and Starting Lintalist in Narrow view mode no longer causes error in GUI with empty 'barx' variable

Haven't tried it but here is a "AutoHotkey script that will save your window positions and then restore them to the saved position"

I'm assuming it has to be slightly modified to say safe window positions every X minutes - there is a wrapper for power events here which may proof useful if you want it fully automated. Otherwise adding a hotkey to "restore" the latest state quickly after a sleep is probably easier :)

The source code (=script) of the program is available as you can see here
(I have not studied the code, only glanced at it briefly)

You need AutoHotkey to run or compile the script which you can find at

The error message shows what would need to be added to make it work for the 10th menu? entry.

If you look at the script where it says
Code: Autohotkey [Select]
  2. triggered=9
  5. triggered=8
  8. triggered=7
  9. ; etc
what would happen (you have to try it yourself after installing AHK) if you simply add more labels

Code: Autohotkey [Select]
  1. ; start at 50
  2. TRIGGERED_50:
  3. triggered=50
  5. ; all the way to 10
  6. ; ......
  7. TRIGGERED_12:
  8. triggered=12
  10. TRIGGERED_11:
  11. triggered=11
  12. Goto,TRIGGERED
  13. TRIGGERED_10:
  14. triggered=10
  15. Goto,TRIGGERED
  16. TRIGGERED_9:
  17. triggered=9
  18. Goto,TRIGGERED
  19. TRIGGERED_8:
  20. triggered=8
  21. Goto,TRIGGERED
  22. TRIGGERED_7:
  23. triggered=7
  24. ; etc

and do the same where you find the "TOGGLE_9:" line just add TOGGLE_50 .... TOGGLE_10 above it.

I haven't read it to closely but, just a suggestion: convert the RTF to a text file first from there it is pretty easy I'd say. Text = good :)


1. use a rtf to txt cmdline tool (many available including pandoc or search for rtf2txt you'll find quite a few)

2. or read the rtf file into the clipboard (in AHK I'd use the WinClip library) and then read the plain text format from memory (so you again have  "text" to work with.

If there are no double spaces for a space between words (as noted above) it probably can still be done in a "best guess" style (meaning it has to be fixed manually afterwards)

- Take a say 100K Word list (most common words in English or whatever language, these lists are available on many locations)
- Sort that by length (longest word at the top)
- Do a find/replace starting with longest word "v e r y l o n g w o r d" -> "verylongword" so it processes: tissues, issues, issue, sues, sue, is for example.
- Now you should end up with a reasonably looking sentence with some words still incorrectly jumbled, but most likely not too bad.

Worth trying (its only a few lines of code, the sorting code in AHK was already posted, do that on a Word list and a simple parsing loop should do it.

Firefox + AutoPager addon perhaps?

That's unlikely, TED Notepad supports very long lines (over 1 million characters), and isn't fooled by wrapped lines either.
Good for TED :Thmbsup:

(was just a thought, some editors have issues with very long lines)

Did you re-try the TED Notepad procedure already?

Perhaps very long lines and wrapped text cause it to fail?

Where have I to put the name of my txt file in the script ?
The first line says
Code: Autohotkey [Select]
  1. FileRead, text, %A_ScriptFullPath%
replace it with
Code: Autohotkey [Select]
  1. FileRead, text, pathtoyour\file.txt
Assuming you want to save it replace MsgBox %text% with
Code: Autohotkey [Select]
  1. FileDelete, pathtoyour\sortedfile.txt
  2. FileAppend, %text%, pathtoyour\sortedfile.txt

For reference: short AutoHotkey example (one of several you can find there on the forum) https://autohotkey.c...ine-length/?p=149560

Update v1.9.2

  • New: Replaced check/radio boxes with button bar (using Class_Toolbar by pulover) andicons from the Fugue & Diagona Icon sets by Yusuke Kamiyamane. #51
  • New: Right click context menu listview #70
  • Fix: Refactored LoadAll and Selected Bundle code, should work better now (lintalist.ahk)
  • Fix: Refactored duplicate hotkey and shorthand detection code, should work better now (editor.ahk)
  • Fix: SetIcon.ahk now also looks at Part2 of the snippet as it should

Available as usual at

@IainB thanks for the follow up information, useful information for others as well I'm sure.

v1.9 is now available

  • New: Choice plugin - Added option to provide "information/question" hint by starting first item with a question mark
  • New: Introduce "Not Titlematch" for bundles by using an exclamation mark 
  • Fix: Choice plugin - Multiple Choices working again
  • Fix: Random plugin - Count correct number of RandomItems
  • Fix: Lintalist - Added "Select and press enter" Choice gui to  BundleHotkeys group
  • Added: Visual Studio Code (code.exe) Configuration to MultiCaret.ini


  • If you are upgrading to this new release, you can use the tray menu option "Check for updates" and have it done automatically.
  • If you prefer to do it manually, please use the following procedure:
    • close your running copy of Lintalist first
    • unpack the zip file and overwrite all files. Note: any (changed) bundles and settings will not be overwritten

Source & Releases here

and as always feedback welcome!

Perhaps not the thread to discuss this but I don't feel I'm worrying unduly. I've spent way too much time (many hours) fixing & cleaning up other peoples computers (sometimes complete re-install of OS). Not everyone pays attention or knows what they are doing I'm afraid. I don't agree PUPs aren't scary, I think they are plenty of nasty PUPs out there (bitcoin mining, browser tracking and redirecting etc, some are difficult to remove).

In FFS case the dev. is playing games to make things difficult to bypass (there is a lengthy thread on the forum about the cat & mouse games on how to bypass the installer and avoid installing it with a pup).

I'm happy to have spent money on a professional program with professional support.

Anyway, some general background links for those interested (some older info at times):

The question you have to ask yourself, do you really want to run any risk with such a potentially critical program (your backups and data privacy) by using a program that might install additional software if you don't pay careful attention?

It used to be quite easy with this program as you could unpack the installer and simply copy the program itself without running the risk of accidentally installing something else. That is now no longer so easy (or has become complicated). So I stopped using it a year ago and no longer recommend it to friends.

I now bought a backup program for piece of mind and support.

I'm not familiar with MOVEOUT but a quick look at it reminds me of Belvedere -
Also written in AutoHotkey.

Belvedere: Keep your desktop or any other folder on your hard drive organized and under control with Belvedere, an automated Windows file management tool. Use Belvedere's friendly interface to create advanced rules to move, copy, delete, rename, or open files based on their name, extension, size, creation date, and more.

Post New Requests Here / Re: Replace text months to digital months
« on: August 03, 2016, 04:46 PM »
@dcwul62 if you want to write your own solution using a batch file you could try GREN. I've used it for many years and found it to be very useful (but now use AHK for nearly everything) "GREN is an extremely powerful command-line renaming utility which understand Perl's regular expressions". It still works on Win 8 so might be worth a shot. A 12-24 line batch file (one for each month) still gets the job done :-)

"Official" Geocities website long gone of course but you can still find it online and download GREN.ZIP

Good tip from IainB there - I do this myself as well, makes it easy to sort :-)

If the above script works for you can call it in your file manager with some parameters. In Total Commander (TC) you can pass on the current folder, selected files etc. That way you can only process the folder or files you have selected - it (TC) can also ask you to input or confirm some data about the selected files or folder. I don't know if DO can do this as well.

But it would be fairly easy to modify the posted script so it asks you to:
- select a folder
- enter a file mask

You can also compile such a script so you have an EXE so you can use it everywhere without the need for AutoHotkey to be installed.

I would suggest you try the script as it is first and install AutoHotkey (or use the portable installer - but installing makes your life easier as you can just double click to start the script or right click run and right click compile for example)

I don't know if you are using AutoHotkey - - but if you do and/or are willing you can try this script, you only need to set your work folder at the top of the script (here c:\testing) and the run the script, it should also create a log file so you can see what has been done. ALWAYS BACKUP your data before you start testing it.

Code: Autohotkey [Select]
  1. ; set working folder here
  2. Folder:="c:\testing"
  4. ; build filelist
  5. Loop, %folder%\*.xlsx
  6.         filelist .= A_LoopFileName "`n"
  8. logfile:=folder "\" A_Now ".txt"
  10. Months:=["Jan[a-z]+","Feb[a-z]+","Ma[ar][a-z]+"
  11.         , "Apr[a-z]+","May|Mei","Jun[ie]", "Jul[iy]"
  12.         , "Aug[a-z]+", "Sep[a-z]+", "O[ck]t[a-z]+"
  13.         , "Nov[a-z]+", "Dec[a-z]+" ]
  15. loop, parse, filelist, `n, `r
  16.         {
  17.          in:=A_LoopField
  18.          for k, v in Months
  19.                 {
  20.                  out:=RegExReplace(in,"i)-?\s*(\d{1,2})\s*(" v ")\s*"," $1-" SubStr("0" k,-1) "-")
  21.                  if (out <> in)
  22.                         {
  23.                          FileMove, %folder%\%in%,  %folder%\%out%
  24.                          FileAppend, %in% -> %out%`n, %logfile%
  25.                          Counter++
  26.                         }
  27.                 }
  28.         }
  30. MsgBox Done, %counter% files renamed, see %logfile%

v1.8 is now available. You can use the tray menu, check for updates, to upgrade, or download it manually via

  • New: Command line parameters -Ini: load specific settings file (ini) 
  • New: Multi-caret implemented for certain text editors (see DOC) 
  • New: Random plugin, return random value or entry from a list (also added to Choice)
  • New: Calendar and DateTime now accept Locale Identifiers (LCID) parameter 
  • Change: Snippet, Bundle, Counter and Local variable editors are now all visible on the taskbar as a child window of a disabled Lintalist Search GUI (if present) this makes it easer to switch from/to the appropriate editor using alt-tab and mouse 
  • Added: Choice plugin GUI now has "Endless scrolling in a listbox" similar to Search GUI listview + Added a Random option
  • Fix: Cancelling a snippet with Choice plugin no longer makes Shorthand stop working 
  • Fix: After using quick search with one result e.g. automatic pasting of the only snippet, pressing space or tab executed the snippet again. Cleared the typing history after each paste fixed it.
  • Fix: Pause shortcut could cause error, added #IfWinNotActive ahk_group


  • If you are upgrading to this new release, you can use the tray menu option "Check for updates" and have it done automatically.
  • If you prefer to do it manually, please use the following procedure:
    • close your running copy of Lintalist first
    • unpack the zip file and overwrite all files. Note: any (changed) bundles and settings will not be overwritten

What about static site generators? (python) or jekyll (ruby) - plenty more here

A new beta is available (v1.8) - apart from some bug fixes and minor changes, the new features are:

  • New Command line parameter -Ini: load specific settings file (ini)
  • Calendar and DateTime plugins now accept Locale Identifiers (LCID) parameter
  • Multi-caret implemented for certain text editors, see docs/

If you paste a snippet into an editor which supports Multi-caret/edit you can now use those in Lintalist snippets by placing multiple caret locations in your snippet. Supported editors: Atom, Brackets, EverEdit, Sublime Text, TextAdept, UltraEdit 23+ but if you know of other editors that could be added let me know. Details in docs/ after unpacking the zip download. The Editor needs to have a keyboard shortcut for "select word" AND "select next occurrence". If you can only use the mouse to do this, you won't be able to use this with feature of Lintalist snippets (Notepad++ and RJ TextEd for example won't work as you need to use the mouse)

Suggestions and feedback welcome...

More complete Changelog and Download:

Sneak preview multi-caret/edit:

Announce Your Software/Service/Product / Re: Diskovery
« on: April 09, 2016, 03:51 PM »
@f0dder: you're right I should change it, going to buy a new flash drive soon so will do so then.

Announce Your Software/Service/Product / Re: Diskovery
« on: April 08, 2016, 11:55 AM »
@f0dder thanks for the tip. I've actually done it on purpose. I use the drive for daily offsite backup (to take home) - as it is easy to loose I thought it adds a bit of additional security. If someone finds it, plugs it in, they might just think "OK then lets format it" :-) You can also disable Windows asking for it if you plug it in. Go to drive management and remove the drive letter - next time you plug it in it will no longer ask if you want to format it (works just for that specific usb device).

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