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Messages - Hirudin [ switch to compact view ]

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MilesAhead, I hope you don't mind if I post this. If you do just send me a PM or something and I'll delete it ASAP.

I wrote one of these for myself also. It's extremely useful!

Mine uses Winkey+c to copy the text then waits for you to hit another key for what type of search you want to do...
A - (I thought about trying out this search engine)
D - Dictionary (
E - eBay
F - acronym finder
G - Google
P - Pricegrabber
T - Thesaurus (
U - UPS (for tracking numbers, I've been planning to make this also "figure out" what kind of tracking number is highlighted and take you to FedEx, UPS, or USPS as necessary)
W - Wikipedia

It sometimes didn't work right in Vista, I think there was some kind of issue with it watching the clipboard, but in the Windows 7 RC it has worked perfectly so far.

I bet if you look at the script you'll see that it's very easy to customize...
AHK script
;I'm calling this version 1.0 - sorry, I don't think I'll ever include a changelog
         CB = %Clipboard%
         Send ^c
         Phrase = %Clipboard%
         Clipboard = %CB%
         Input, SingleKey, L1 T3
;   ////////Replace Tabs and Line Breaks with Spaces
         StringReplace, Phrase, Phrase, `r, %A_Space%, All
         StringReplace, Phrase, Phrase, `n, %A_Space%, All
         StringReplace, Phrase, Phrase, %A_TAB%, %A_Space%, All
;   ////////Get rid of multiple spaces
       StringReplace, Phrase, Phrase, %A_SPACE%%A_SPACE%, %A_SPACE%, All
       StringGetPos, SpaceDouble, Phrase, %A_SPACE%%A_SPACE%, L1
       If SpaceDouble < 0
;   ////////Ask
         If SingleKey = a
       StringReplace, Phrase, Phrase, %A_SPACE%, +, All
;   ////////Dictionary
         Else If SingleKey = d
       StringReplace, Phrase, Phrase, %A_SPACE%, `%20, All
;   ////////eBay
         Else If SingleKey = e
       StringReplace, Phrase, Phrase, %A_SPACE%, -, All
;   ////////Acronym Finder
         Else If SingleKey = f
       StringReplace, Phrase, Phrase, %A_SPACE%, +, All
       Run http://www.acronymfi...asp?Acronym=%Phrase%
;   ////////Google
         Else If SingleKey = g
       StringReplace, Phrase, Phrase, %A_SPACE%, +, All
;   ////////PriceGrabber
         Else If SingleKey = p
       StringReplace, Phrase, Phrase, %A_SPACE%, +, All
       Run http://www.pricegrab...orm_keyword=%Phrase%
;   ////////Thesaurus
         Else If SingleKey = t
       StringReplace, Phrase, Phrase, %A_SPACE%, `%20, All
;   ////////UPS
         Else If SingleKey = u
       StringReplace, Phrase, Phrase, %A_SPACE%, `%20, All
;   ////////Wikipedia
         Else If SingleKey = w
       StringReplace, Phrase, Phrase, %A_SPACE%, +, All
       Run http://en.wikipedia....ecial:Search?search=`%22%Phrase%`%22
       MsgBox Ended

And definitely a  :down: on the blind deletion thing.
Well duh!

Sorry, I meant that you would also be on the phone with her while that was being done.

Her: Windows is 15 gb
You: Don't delete that
Her: Users\Whoever\Music is 55gb
You: OK, open that folder
Her: 'The Mighty Mighty Bosstones'? I don't like them any more
You: Highlight that folder and delete it
... and so on

If there is seriously 70 gb of data on that machine and she doesn't know what it could be there better be SOMETHING that can be safely deleted.
To put it a different way: What can take up that much space? Music, video, games, and maybe a few programs. If she's not a music or video collector and her Users\Whoever\Video folder is overflowing it's a safe bet you can find something in there that can be deleted.

If she doesn't want to delete The Mighty Mighty Bosstones or anything else, it's time to invest in an external HDD.

I was going to suggest turning off system restore too.

How many folders could they possibly have? I'd go into the folder options and make sure everything (system and hidden files/folders) is visible. Then go one by one to find the folder(s) in the root that is(are) exorbitantly large and start deleting.

Maybe WMP (or iTunes or some other media management program) is automatically copying every CD she plays with her computer or something?

General Software Discussion / Re: MP3 Info Extension?
« on: June 13, 2009, 02:44 AM »
It's only some VBR files right? Is there any pattern to which files work and which don't?

Here's a screenshot of Windows 7 displaying some files I ripped using LAME 3.97 (or maybe 3.98, IIRC) using "preset extreme"...
Screenshot - 6_13_2009 , 1_38_09 AM.png

General Software Discussion / Re: MP3 Info Extension?
« on: June 11, 2009, 04:05 AM »
I used to use that, it was one of my "must installs". Now I've been using dedicated tagging programs for so long I don't really remember all the things it did.

Lets see, I know it had a feature that you could mouse over an MP3 (or maybe many MP3s?) and it would display the tag information (artist, album, title, length, etc.). I'm pretty sure Vista does this by itself.

You could also highlight a bunch of songs, right click on them, and edit their tags.

What feature(s) do you use most? Maybe we can come up with some software that can do something similar.

I'll have to give this thing a try! I've also spent hours copy and pasting names from sites like .

Windows 7 should make it even easier for non-techy people to burn ISOs - it's built into the OS. Just right click on an ISO and choose "Burn disc image". Pretty coo!

I have to assume some disc image formats will not be supported - I'll probably stick with ImgBurn for the foreseeable future.

General Software Discussion / Re: Windows 7 evaluation
« on: June 06, 2009, 06:57 PM »
Directory Opus (version - which is the newest as far as I know) seems to work perfectly in Windows 7 RC1. When you start the install a warning pops up that says something like "this OS isn't supported". I just ignored it and continued with the installation, I haven't had any problems. Oh, I should mention that I have not "replaced" explorer.

One way cool thing about Windows 7 (or at least the RC) is that you can remove Windows components that you don't like, including Internet Explorer. I think I saw somewhere that there is some kind of command line-driven ISO creator that sounded like it would be similar to nLite. Maybe that means slipstreaming is back too. :)

General Software Discussion / Re: What's your mouse of choice?
« on: February 22, 2009, 04:28 AM »
superboyac I think your description of Logitech's version of the free-spinning scroll wheel is spot on. I've used 3 different MX Revolutions and they all behave the same way, just as you describe. I used-to love the auto-switch-to-free-spin mode of the Revolution and was disappointed to see that it was no longer available on my G9. The G9 doesn't switch automatically, there is a completely inconvenient button on the BOTTOM of the mouse that switches between free-spin and "detent-ified" modes. I just use it in free-spin mode at all times, I've grown to like it a lot.

Here's a video that shows the 2 modes of Logitech mice...

General Software Discussion / Re: What's your mouse of choice?
« on: February 20, 2009, 06:39 PM »
I've been using Logitech mice for a long time (I've owned something like 6 of their mice). I used to have the MX Revolution but the battery in it died (boo). I am now using the G9. I love the free-spinning scroll wheel! If you press on the scroll wheel it should middle click, if not there's a software problem somewhere. IIRC you might have to specifically program that button to do a middle click if you're using the Logitech drivers (I don't use Logitech's drivers any more, I find they're never updated).

Do other brands have free-spinning scroll wheels?

Looks cool! I'll definitely try it out... but not now for some reason. Thanks for sharing dspelley I've changed e-mail clients a few times and it's usually a PITA.

Very nice, IMO! Support for some extensions would be very nice, but a really nice mail client (at least for the couple of minutes I test drove it). Import from Thunderbird worked like a charm.

edit: I should learn to use another word to replace 'nice'... :-\
Good to hear the transition was easy. Thunderbird is what I'm using as well.

Another resurrection, but it's worth it for some good laughs. Denon released these $500 cables to output audio from their DVDs, as you may expect it's a digital to digital connection, so they're basically useless.
That is awesome, thanks!

I'm all for discussing mobile OS stuff here, but I'd prefer if it wasn't a separate forum. I generally only check a single forum on each site I frequent, if the mobile threads aren't in the "General Software Discussion" forum I probably wont see them.

I have a Symbian phone and a Palm PDA (which I rarely use).

Thanks a bunch y'all, I don't think I would have got this fixed without y'all :) It wasn't exactly a problem with Arial (not in the sense that reinstalling Arial would fix the issue) but a problem with my Helvetica font.

Google Chrome has a feature where you can "inspect" elements of web pages.
Screenshot - 2_8_2009 , 5_32_04 PM.png

When I inspected that section of text it said the font was helvetica.
Screenshot - 2_8_2009 , 5_38_37 PM.png

I'll spare the details, but seeing that helvetica was the intended font and a little web searching* inspired me to delete my helvetica font file (I don't even know where it came from... Open maybe?). When I refreshed the web page it was readable again... yay!

*Apparently Helvetica isn't normally installed with Windows so is therefor substituted with Arial.

I've been noticing a bunch of web sites lately that have a text block that I pretty much cannot read. The text is rendered very similarly (if not exactly the same) in Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer. Is there some issue with the font on my computer or something? Anyone know how to fix this?

Here's a screenshot from
Screenshot - 2_7_2009 , 7_13_36 PM.png

Looks like version 11 is $5 after rebate over at newegg...


Hmmm... looks like buying it might also give you access to an upgrade to the newest version for free.

[edit 3]
Oh, looks like newegg sold out of version 11. I guess all they have now is version 2009.

General Software Discussion / Re: WINDOWS 7 THREAD (ongoing)
« on: February 06, 2009, 01:36 AM »
How many Vista Home Basic computers have you guys seen? I've maybe seen one, but I might be mistaken. The 7 Home Basic (whatever it's called) will pretty much go undistributed. It's quite possible they want a "version" of Windows 7 that is cheap so they can say "Windows 7 starting at $79.99". Pretty much bait and switch, but the bait will be there, just nobody in their right mind will buy it.

After this short break, let's put the thread on the right path (:P)
Nice job!

General Software Discussion / Re: Benchmarked: Ubuntu vs Vista vs Win7
« on: February 06, 2009, 01:09 AM »
Argh, I'd LOVE to go on a rant here (actually I wrote and deleted a small rant) but I'll just say...

I'm glad I didn't read that article, it probably would have taken me at least 14 scroll-wheel turns to get the the bottom, and frankly that's just too much! Other Linux vs. Windows articles only require 8 scroll-wheel turns.

General Software Discussion / Re: WINDOWS 7 THREAD (ongoing)
« on: February 03, 2009, 05:06 AM »
2- The Win7 ISO is 4.6 Gigabytes... 600 Megabytes too large for the USB media.
Screenshot - 2_3_2009 , 4_03_02 AM.png

That headline gave me second thoughts about installing W7, but after reading it and seeing that it is actually WMP12 (or whatever number they're on) that has the issue I stopped caring. I don't use WMP.

Seems like "Windows Media Player 7 May Corrupt Your MP3s" is a lot more descriptive than "Windows 7 May Corrupt Your MP3s". The warning in that headline is about as helpful as Google's apparent warnings about the whole internet.

Looks cool! Thanks for the tip.

Do you work for this company mauzer_tim?
Never mind: https://www.donation...ndex.php?topic=15892

Maybe it splits the video into chunks if it's large (similar to the VOB files in DVDs). Or, if the source you're using is a DVD, maybe each VOB gets one progress bar. A single layer DVD will typically have 5 VOBs.

Does the final progress bar progress more quickly?

General Software Discussion / Re: WINDOWS 7 THREAD (ongoing)
« on: January 15, 2009, 03:52 AM »
Yeah, making them a little bigger might be good. If there's more than one window open, just have more than one thumbnail on the taskbar. I was thinking that the program icon could be superimposed on top of the thumbnail, kind of best of both worlds.

General Software Discussion / Re: WINDOWS 7 THREAD (ongoing)
« on: January 15, 2009, 03:32 AM »
Btw, I really love the new taskbar. It might be *cough* inspired *cough* by OS X (although I think the jumplists and other stuff goes beyond that?), but I don't really care. The important thing is that it's a good step forward, and that it finally feels right to dock the bar to the edge of the screen rather than the bottom.
I plan to dock on the side as well, left for me. I already dock a "shortcuts" folder to the left side and am looking forward to being able to combine both menus into one.

I was thinking, I think Microsoft should take the thumbnail view one step farther: instead of using the program icons as the taskbar buttons, just use the thumbnails. Personally, I set my taskbar to auto hide, and I make it big (3 rows tall). I think it would be very cool to see all my running apps along the bottom of the screen. I'll make a mock-up...

From this...

To something like this...

Icons too...

Yeah, it doesn't look like "Sandboxie" has been on Giveawayoftheday... there is a search on GotD and "Sandboxie" doesn't return any results and all the results for "Returnil" was for their "Virtual System" software.

I think I'm going to pick it up myself... looks cool.

Here's a couple threads where people mention Sandboxie...
And an off site endorsement...

Aw, looks like it's not compatible with Vista 64... darn it!

I guess that partition is some kind of "recovery partition" like what HP, Dell, etc. put on their computers. 200mb seems a bit small for recovery, but at least it's small enough that I can just ignore it.

I saw some page that had instructions to prevent that partition from being created. I didn't read it very carefully, but it looked like the main idea was to partition/format the HDD before installing Windows 7.

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