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General Software Discussion / Re: SnagIt 11
« on: March 07, 2012, 11:22 AM »
Big difference in resource usage with Screenshot Capture idling at around 300k.
The others are usually much more.
This is true.  Snagit 11 sitting idle is never below 50MB.  You'll probably want the Editor running in the background.  That's another 50MB.   It does have some nice features that are not present in ScreenShot Captor, but SSC also has some nice features that are not available in SnagIt.   SSC is definitely more customizable, and plays nicer with other apps.  SnagIt is very proprietary--for example a fellow wrote a plug-in to do Imgur uploads but it can't be installed directly because the SnagIt security is so high....   Pretty frustrating, and not geek-friendly.  

Living Room / Re: Notable Spam...
« on: March 03, 2012, 09:35 PM »
Well you know they're gonna screw you... 

Indeed, it does look like a keeper.
Sitting in the systray in Win Vista, it bounces from 212 to 338 KB.  When it's activated, it jumps to about 3 MB.  When the settings dialog is open, it's still no more than 5 MB.
It looks like the developer has set up a support forum.

I've always been happy with True Launch Bar.  Stable program and responsive forum.  Guess I'll probably purchase this new gizmo too.  Seems to be running alongside MacroExpress well enough.  Hopfully there won't be conflicts down the road. 

Thanks for the tip Curt!

General Software Discussion / Re: filter display in outlook
« on: March 01, 2012, 03:23 PM »
Hmm...  Not sure what the version was.  Google points here https://support.xobn...utlook-release-notes..  Also be sure to scour the above-linked forum discussion...

Sooner or later there will be a printer that can print more printers...  "Replicators" if you will.  This will mark the beginning of the end....   :P

Post New Requests Here / Re: IDEA: Application memory limiter
« on: March 01, 2012, 11:15 AM »
I think ProcessTamer https://www.donation...index.php?board=16.0
might be designed for that(?)

General Software Discussion / Re: filter display in outlook
« on: March 01, 2012, 10:21 AM »
Only plausible suggestion I can think of is Xobni...
I used to really like Xobni when it first came out years ago.  (Used it with Outlook 2003 on Wind XP 32bit.)
Now it is bloated with social networking junk that I don't need, and the feature I do need (i.e. search archives) is only available on the pro version--which is an expensive "subscription" that you have to keep buying over and over...   :( :down:

General Software Discussion / Re: filter display in outlook
« on: March 01, 2012, 08:58 AM »
I use Outlook 2010 and the built-in Find feature is absolute crap.  If anyone knows of a good alternative I'd like to hear from them.
If you don't need to search archived pst files, then you might checkout Xobni.  It's more for contact management, but does a good job finding emails, todos, calendar, and memos too.

Looks pretty cool.  Can you compile normal "stand-alone" Windows EXEs though?
I tried to check out the sample apps, but they are ISC files--which presumably requires that Illumination Software Creator be installed to run the apps.

Screenshot Captor / Re: Feature idea: Smart preselect...
« on: February 26, 2012, 02:39 PM »
Actually I guess the two Boxes wouldn't be different colors because SSC wouldn't know if I was going to pre-select, or grab, the object. 
Anyhoo...  If I activate a "grab object" capture, then hover my cursor over a window (eg the above ex), different items get outlined with the Red Box (menu items, status bar, etc), as SSC is offering to grab them.  When I move the cursor to the edge of the window, the Red Box "lets go" of the inner object and Boxes the entire window.
It occurred to me that when I need to capture an Object, I likely will emphasis part of it with some SpecialFX tool AND that the thing I'll want to emphasize will likely be one of those objects that SSC was JUST A SECOND AGO offering to grab!

So my proposed idea could work like this...
Options are set to:
   Ctrl+Click in Red Box = capture object.
   Alt+Click in Red Box = remember that area of the image and have it automatically selected when the SSC main window opens.
User order of operations:
  1. Activate Object grab.
  2. When hovering over the area I will be emphasizing (or de-emphasizing), Alt+Click. 
  3. (SSC is still in Red Box object capture mode) Alt-Click other areas if there are to be multiply-selected areas.
  4. Then Ctrl+Click the larger object.
  5. When the image is initially opened in the SSC main window, the "alt+clicked" items are accurately selected.  (Note that any pre-selected area outside of the final capture would be discarded.)

I supposed this could also be achieved by adding a 5th button to the post-object-capture dialog.   Currently there is a [Save selected object and choose another] button.  You could add a [Save selected object and highlight/pre-select an area of it].

Note that I would not call this a critical feature...  Obviously it's not difficult to accurately select part of an image POST-capture.  It would be clever though.  And I don't think that there are any other screen capture utilities that do this...  (I'm familiar with most of them)   :)

Screenshot Captor / Feature idea: Smart preselect...
« on: February 26, 2012, 01:28 PM »
While using Object capture mode, it occurred to be that one or more of the smaller sub-items that SSC was "offering" to select (the stuff inside the window) are also things that I will probably end up needing to Select so that I can apply image effects...
Why not just let SSC "remember" what these things are. Then, after the object is captured and flattened into an image, SSC can have the corresponding part of the image Pre-Selected for me...

DC Website Help and Extras / Hi-rez images of the Cody Bird Mascot?
« on: February 24, 2012, 02:37 PM »
I know I remember seeing some, but can't find them now...
Thought it would be fun to Incorporated them into a custom Screenshot Captor mask/frames. 
Especially if Cody was doing the "Vanna White" routine, where he's standing beside the screenshot, "presenting" it :)

First you'd have to invent a hand!  lol
I guess a person could try to make some kind of adaptive/dynamic font (that looked like cursive).  Different versions of a letter would be used--depending on what letters preceded or followed it--to ensure the appearance of a continuous line...   
I'm not aware of any software that does this. 

If a programmer REALLY wanted to be super-geeky, he could study then make options for the font to utilize different human characteristics (check here to make left-handed writing, etc).

Living Room / Re: Cannot Unsee!
« on: February 21, 2012, 11:19 AM »
I think there's a cream for that!

Screenshot Captor / Re: Feature request: Sizable canvas.
« on: February 20, 2012, 01:16 PM »
Yea, it occurred to me (after posting) that the image's dimensions are at the bottom of the main SSC window.  Would be easy enough to enter  :)
The idea I had though, was to have each click add space in increments of the original image's dimensions (rather than simply doubling).

So if your image is 115 pixels wide, and you wanted four versions of the same image
4 in a row.png
You'd click in 3 times and the width would be 115, then 230, then 345, then 460.
Rather than a simple doubling which would yield 115, then 230, then 460, then 920.

Screenshot Captor / Re: Feature request: Sizable canvas.
« on: February 20, 2012, 11:51 AM »
Okay I've got it now...  For some reason the extended canvas area wasn't being remembered as part of the picture...  Reinstalled SSC though, and it seems to be working as expected.

For my own purposes, it would be nice if I could easily increase the canvas size by 100%.   Perhaps buttons like this:
Screenshot - 2_20_2012 , 9_40_32 AM_ver001.png
Seems like I often am comparing to version of the same image side-by-side, hence I need it to be doubled.

Screenshot Captor / Re: Any "hand model volunteers" out there?
« on: February 20, 2012, 10:15 AM »
They're perfect!!! (digitally speaking.)

Needs to be in a position that can be made into a mask/frame combo though.
Here check out the ones I was tinkering with...
my 3 hand shots.png
The middle one, is the one that got made in to the above mask/frame.
Ideally, a couple fingertips will overlap the transparent area (i.e. the transparent area in the above, is the circular area), to give it a cool 3D look.  But also, the borders around the outside of the transparent part shouldn't be too wide.  The one with me holding the CD cuts off nearly half of the bottom of the screenshot that is getting framed/masked.    In this regard, the image on the left would have been the best choice (I would've cropped out my body and just had my hands in there).  Lastly, make sure you have the flash turned on in your camera so you get plenty of light and color.  My photo on the right has a good amount of color and light, but again, ugly hands :)

PS did you catch the finger-joke?

Post a few if you want.  Folks can vote on the best one, then I'll have you send a hi-rez of it.  
This is fun  hee hee    :D

Screenshot Captor / Re: Any "hand model volunteers" out there?
« on: February 19, 2012, 05:38 PM »
lol.   That's exactly what I was thinking -- on both accounts!   ;D

Screenshot Captor / Any "hand model volunteers" out there?
« on: February 19, 2012, 02:50 PM »
I attempted making another "hand frame."  My technique is still not perfect.  Will try to attach the PNG and MASK files in a zipped folder, and also a sample.

One problem is that I have ugly hands.  And my camera is not that great either.

If we have any nice-handed photographers out there, please consider donating your image for a SSC mask!

Screenshot Captor / Feature request: Sizable canvas.
« on: February 18, 2012, 07:08 PM »
Like this:
Screenshot - 2_18_2012 , 4_57_14 PM.png

Or maybe it's already possible in some fashion?

Related to this request, is that if I drag another picture onto the original one, and it overlaps the edges of the canvas, then SSC should (optionally) increase the size of the canvas, rather than cropping off the overlapping parts...

Did that even make sense?  It made sense in my head.

Well, I meant "request," but we can go with "requirement!"   ;)

Another related thought:  Have it so that, when creating an arrow, as soon as you release the mouse button the "Endpoint text" box is activated (and any text therein is selected), so that you can just start typing.  If nothing is typed, then no text box appears.

Also, FWIW, I'd consider bendable bezier lines to be lower priority.  And frankly it might be rather difficult to make the text boxes customizationable--from a coding perspective.  As such, it might not be worth Mouser's effort.  

Am referring to where the blue "But mostly here" arrow is pointing.
Is it possible to have an "add your own" in the same way that you do for clipart and frames?
Screenshot - 2_18_2012 , 11_15_36 AM.png
I'd like to use a "Tag" shape like the yellow one. 
The ability to shape/bend lines would also be cool ...

I use a combo of Windows Desktop Search, Archivarius and dtSearch. dtSearch is amazing, but four times as expensive as X1 (though I haven't paid an upgrade fee in four years). I got an academic discount on it which resulted in it being as cheap as Windows Desktop Search... Archivarius is very good and probably what I'd recommend in your situation.
  Are you saying that dtSearch offers academic pricing?  I don't see it on their site.

And yes, I too, have been searching for a good option here.  Was heart-broken when Google Desktop died.   

Screenshot Captor / Reproducible crash :)
« on: February 18, 2012, 12:45 PM »
I always garner an evil bit of schadenfreude when I manage to break software.   :P
I was trying to capture an image of the "You've captured an Object. Now what?" tool that I referenced in the resent "Interface Options" forum discussion.

To reproduce the crash (I guess it's a crash--not really sure):
1. Activate an Object Grab either by Hotkey, Tray Icon right-click, or by the menu item in SSC.
2. Ctrl+Click in the Red Box, then the "You've captured an Object. Now what?" tool pops up.
3. Before choosing one of the 4 options or closing the dialog, bring up the SSC Main Window. (By clicking its icon on the Windows Taskbar, or by hotkey, if there is a hotkey assigned to 'Toggle Visibility.')

The Systray icon stays red because SSC thinks it's still in mid-capture, but the "You've captured an Object. Now what?" tool is closed, so you can't complete the capture.  SSC has to be restarted. 
Am working with v3.00.00 on Vista...  Perhaps others can try on different versions of Windows...

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