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Screenshot Captor / Re: Capturing an image larger than the screen
« on: November 24, 2021, 02:05 PM »
That should be possible using the Scrolling Window caption, but then select the Manual mode. There are some tutorials available, created by Mouser, but I've never used them, as I've been using these scrolling captures for ages, I know what to do 8)
Does have a little learning curve, but it works like a charm.

Screenshot Captor / Re: Mouse hover hints on main window not working
« on: November 16, 2021, 10:15 AM »
Well, then not unimportant: Do tooltips work in other applications?, as there is a global Windows setting that is possibly messed up :tellme:

Screenshot Captor / Re: Mouse hover hints on main window not working
« on: November 15, 2021, 12:48 PM »
It is working fine over here, so don't know why it shouldn't work on your system. Do you run SSC As Administrator, by any chance? Or have software active that changes the behavior of the mouse? These may interfere with showing tool-tips.

General Software Discussion / Re: Collect data from web
« on: November 12, 2021, 03:09 PM »
Obviously rtila is better, but for me is enough with this now.
Well, as usual with your questions, the solution you choose doesn't have much to do with the question you asked >:(

General Software Discussion / Re: Collect data from web
« on: November 10, 2021, 07:01 AM »
How does this:
At the present moment i am happy with email grabber, Only collects email in the most simple way.

Align with the original request in any way ? :
I would like a software able to find data in the web :

What type of software is this and what are the best. Better is free.


Developer's Corner / Re: 'Trojan Source' bug
« on: November 04, 2021, 04:34 PM »
A couple of days in and VSCode 1.62 has a 'fix' for the issue, by default showing those UTF directional attributes as just that, without interpreting them. And that can be turned off, if desired :up:.

Screenshot Captor / Re: Problem with right click menu navigation
« on: November 04, 2021, 02:45 PM »
EDIT: Solved thanks to assistance from the developer of PowerPro.
Anything you can share? Might be helpful for other users that find this thread.

Best use for LMGTFY -

Tried that before but it didn't stick  :(

A 3 second google search reveals this: https://answers.micr...82-999d-5003a2c78ad8

Screenshot Captor / Re: May be a bug?
« on: October 23, 2021, 11:02 AM »
Is that application written in Delphi, by any chance? Especially when using older Delphi versions, applications can behave quite strangely on window 'visibility' to other applications.

Screenshot captor does it's ultimate best to try and scroll a target window with any means it has available, but still it doesn't succeed in all situations. Then indeed the Manual method is the solution. It just depends on the way that application is built.

General Software Discussion / Re: Collect data from web
« on: October 19, 2021, 01:16 PM »

General Software Discussion / Re: Seperate in pages a pdf
« on: October 17, 2021, 10:41 AM »

Screenshot Captor / Re: shortcut keys not working
« on: June 13, 2021, 06:13 AM »
The first question was the other way around; Is your screenshotcaptor running with administrator rights by accident? In that way it can't intercept the hotkeys from your normal windows user-session.

Is there any chance you can replace the Windows OS on your computer with a Linux distro (too many available to give an example)? Then you won't ever have this dilemma again :tellme:.

Screenshot Captor / Re: shortcut keys not working
« on: June 10, 2021, 12:40 PM »
By default, what you want is how it normally works.
Are you running SSC using the Run as Administrator option? (Can be set at the shortcut, manually) or use a replacemant tool for UAC (as deployed in some corporate controled computers)

I did try learning and using Autohotkey, but again not luck.
-c.gingerich (May 17, 2021, 03:31 PM)
That is not the easiest one to start with because of its somewhat cryptic syntax; I've dabbled in AutoIt3, but AHK has been a real challenge and I've never really picked that one up (even though I've done quite a few programming languages).

What programming language have you tried?
You should use the best tool for the job:
Most suitable to process would be JS (Javascript), as that's what the first 2 letters of the word JSON come from... Node.js should be the way to go for a command-line tool.
Next choice up (assuming a Windows OS) should be C#/.NET as that makes it very easy using one of the JSON libraries (NewtonSoft comes to mind)
And the runner up would probably be Java, but there are some that don't like that (for probably the wrong reasons), where also plenty of libraries are available, org.json and Google GSON are popular choices.

Pointing at the start of the thread is probably more useful: Review

Do not think I am too dumb to program and use my own tool for that matter.
Please don't get me wrong, I've not tried to suggest even anything near that, sorry if you think I did :huh:

In my humble opinion a program that limit text to a speficific character amount is made for such matter.
Please elaborate, as I do not see any relation between a tool to gather text to be posted in a web form (as initially requested) and a password generator.
Any decent password generator tool has a setting for the length of the password(s), so using this tool to provide a password of a specific length feels counter-intuitive.

add password generator please

Why would you need that to write a text? There are already roughly 1 million password generators (or more), rich and poor, why try to add one where (nearly) nobody needs one?

This should be a nice, single purpose tool, please don't add bloatware to it.

Not sure what kind of tooling/IDE you use for development, but I've been very content using VSCode with the Gitlens plugin. Admittedly, I'm 'only' using it with Github (and TFS/AzureDevOps-Git at work), but Gitlab sounds no more than natural to also being supported.

When you're using the Visual Studio IDE, there is the official Gitlab extension available in the marketplace, adding full Gitlab support to VS20xx.

As a direct alternative to SourceTree, Gitkraken is, AFAICS, free for open source Github and Gitlab repo's, so that could also be an option.

And then there's the 'Classic' TortoiseGIT extension for Windows Explorer, quite similar to TortoiseHg and TortoiseSVN.

My version is newer v4.41.0 than the one on the web v4.36.1...
Don't understand anything :-[

Even mouser himself is confuzzled by all those version numbers, so please don't expect anyone to ever grasp that ;D ;D ;D

PublicDomainVic / Re: URLister thread (v0.3.0)
« on: March 25, 2021, 02:10 AM »
On a UHD monitor, URLister on left half of screen, browser (Edge) on right half, both stay open.  I close tabs as needed, after a number of URLs have been opened, via URLister.

Now that you have reported these kind of issues with multiple applications, I suspect there is something not up to par with your graphics card drivers or monitor setup.

LaunchBar Commander / Re: open folder by mousemove
« on: March 13, 2021, 03:24 AM »
It catched my eye that the initial topic in this thread got completely lost in the discussion.
That's probably the reason why this topic has been silent for so long :P

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