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Living Room / Re: Apple Lisa, the first (modern) GUI
« on: January 26, 2023, 11:58 AM »
I actually owned a Lisa XL (3.5" 400k diskdrive and 10 MB harddrive) for a while, somewhere in the 1988-1989 time-range. But, working on the PC-side of IT, I didn't use it much (if any), so ended up selling it, way too cheap, at a local computer-fair. Made that guy's day, I guess :tellme:

N.A.N.Y. 2023 / Re: NANY 2023 - MouseSpy by KodeZwerg
« on: December 14, 2022, 04:36 PM »
Q: How do I return from relative mode (after clicking once) back to absolute coordinates mode?
I do not understand, it never change its coordinate system since I do use a low level mouse hook.

I think my question is invalid, did a quick test when I asked as I got somewhat confused, but now that I looked a bit longer (and closer) it's working just fine.

Looking great :Thmbsup:

N.A.N.Y. 2023 / Re: NANY 2023 - MouseSpy by KodeZwerg
« on: December 14, 2022, 05:17 AM »
You could use the NANY template (Add preset text) for the presentation of this tool.

Q: How do I return from relative mode (after clicking once) back to absolute coordinates mode?

As usual, your thinking is backward/reversed.

But if you really want to do it that way, then you can use SysInternals' ZoomIt to draw/write on your (still being updated) screen, and take a screenshot afterward. Don't forget to RTFM!


Preferably without ... or has ads etc.

I think that's wishful thinking.

ScreenshotCaptor is quite good at this, I use it for multi-page screenshots from browsers on a regular (like weekly) basis. It does take a little getting used to, but mouser made a lot of video tutorials on the subject. Recommended!

No, no and no.


The only thing they have in common is "Transfer Protocol", but there are about 50* more of these.

* (the number is rather irrelevant)

Just press the <Enter> key after selecting the files/folders.

Screenshot Captor / Re: Grab selected region makes screen go big
« on: September 02, 2022, 12:29 AM »
hitting PrtScrn, which is my hotkey for "Grab Selected Region," makes the screen go big and selecting a region useless.

Most likely another tool is (also) hooking into that hotkey, most notably OneDrive IIRC, please try to (temporarily) change the hotkey for this feature and see if it still behaves like that

General Software Discussion / Re: Contra Chrome
« on: August 23, 2022, 11:15 AM »
Most everyone I know has the opposite experience.
+1 :tellme:

General Software Discussion / Re: Multiple Android app instances
« on: August 15, 2022, 01:59 AM »
Unfortunately it's not possible.

Have you really asked 'm? Your response is a bit too quick to have gotten a honest reply from the developer(s).

General Software Discussion / Re: Multiple Android app instances
« on: August 14, 2022, 03:58 PM »
Is there a cheap way to operate these five sensors?

Ask the developer of that software to fix that, it seems like quite a severe and unneeded limitation.

I think it needs to be repeated that this issue is a long standing 'undesirable feature' of Windows (lmgtfy link), and should not be attributed to Screenshot Captor. :tellme:

What browser (and version) are you using?

Living Room / Re: Random M.2 SSD Disconnects
« on: July 11, 2022, 12:25 AM »
You could request a replacement under warranty from the supplier, as it clearly doesn't work as is to be expected & intended.

General Software Discussion / Re: The End of the Atom Editor
« on: June 09, 2022, 01:55 AM »
Did anyone else use Atom?
Nope, tried it once, a couple of years ago, and couldn't get along with it very well, so stayed at Notepad++, until someone showed me the benefits of VSCode, and I've been kind of an addict for that ever since :tellme: (though I also use NPP for some tasks).

Synchronize It! and Compare It! - superb GUI design, I still use them to this day for small simple jobs - one can still buy them, they still work, but unfortunately not upgraded for many many years. Synchronize It! can even copy sparse files, which is extremely rare.
I've been a licensed used for, AFAIR, over 20 year, and still use it at least a couple times a month, and sometimes even on a daily basis. Best compare tools ever :Thmbsup:

Living Room / Re: Arduino anyone?
« on: May 27, 2022, 02:02 AM »
You've added quite some features :o :Thmbsup:

The keyboard keys look a bit 'clunky', but are probably very useful just because of that, a touch screen display isn't that practical in the kitchen, during preparing & cooking ;D

Screenshot Captor / Re: Windows 11 round edges transparency
« on: May 23, 2022, 10:13 AM »
+1 similarly for scrolling screen captures, those gray rounded corners are included somewhat irregularly in the result, as a rectangle is cut out for the captured window :huh:

NB: There is a dirty hack available that changes uDWM.dll, but that is not something I want to have as a 'fix', as it is a little to blunt for me. And it might break with future Windows updates.

This time I put what fellows usually write to me :

Look who's talking ;D You have picked up some of the advice presented here :Thmbsup:

AMD's not supporting Thunderbolt

Is that a requirement? Are you planning to buy devices that need that? That kind of devices is mostly so specific that you're on Apple equipment already (and even they seem to move slowly away from TB), or can easily be substituted by USB 3.0 connected devices.

Living Room / Re: Arduino anyone?
« on: April 30, 2022, 04:08 PM »

Living Room / Re: Arduino anyone?
« on: April 30, 2022, 02:51 AM »
I've been actively involved in Arduino based programming since about 2 years now (and a user of the project I'll mention below for about 4 years), but I skipped the Arduino hardware and went straight to the IMHO more capable Espressif ESP hardware based boards, using ESP8266 and ESP32 controller, as these come with WiFi built in (and ESP32 even with bluetooth, but I don't use that). These boards can be bought from Aliexpress starting at only a few $$, where the Arduino hardware is usually less powerful and more expensive.

I've been involved with ESPEasy (github link and support forum), that is intended to make it easy to use sensors in an IoT/domotica setting.
Lots of functionally already available 'out of the box', with a web UI served from the controller (no cloud involved, other than github for development and the support-forum, obviously). You can find my involvement by looking for my avatar :D
NB: Though I do some occasional hardware tinkering, I'm mostly in this 'game' for the software-side (C++) of it.

But with current (low) prices for storage, why does it matter?

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