No offense but I was asking:-Wordzilla
Absolutely none taken!
Did you code it from scratch or modified a 3rd party script? If latter, typically the developers would appreciate a short "powered by" string at the bottom. I wasn't sure what system you use to run the site so...-Wordzilla
I'll be making how the site is run clear in future podcasts. DNN doesn't need a "Powered By" link from me. They're doing very well.
I regularly plug DNN and encourage people to try it out all the time. The value from those endorsements far exceeds a little link on a web site.
I suppose I could go on about licensing issues here, but if you're familiar with the MS way of thinking about Open Source, then you already know that things like the BSD license (DNN is BSD) are very welcome in the MS community.
The GPL forces people to contribute. (Viral licensing and all...)
The MS way, or BSD way, or -Insert something here- way is more about community and a sense of honesty. How we go about that may differ though. For example, there are many large sites running DNN that don't have links to them, but allow DNN to list them as DNN users. That's a huge endorsement and fits in very easily with different business models. Forcing links can deter many people from using a particular solution.
Enough about that though.
Google "code it from scratch" if you do not think the phrase is grammatically sound or is *Martian* English. -Wordzilla
Heck - I was just joking around! What I meant was that with .NET I get a lot of very productive tools, and that there's no need for me to actually do a lot of coding when I can reuse things.
Programming is becoming less and less about good code, and more and more about good reuse of good code. That's not just .NET though. However, .NET puts those kinds of tools in your hands very easily.
Anyway great show, keep up a good work!
Thanks! I hope that people find some value in it. I'll be trying to keep them relatively short and keep the quality high.
Oh - And I've just finished the forums and the first post, but not put them online yet. I'll get that done once I proofread and get another beer!
BTW - The post did take longer than configuring the forums!