db90h: Have downloaded another version of XP to try... and I get the same issue in the F5 Hal install menu... StandardPC or nothing.
So I guess that sort of proves that my hardware really isn't being recognised. (Though I am suprised that I can't
force a different HAL even if the hardware isn't there... surely that is what
forcing means?!).
As for updating the BIOS... The Abit USA site doesn't have any other BIOS, though the Abit TW site does have one small upgrade. However, I am unsure how to flash my BIOS when I don't have a floppy drive. More investigation required I guess.
mwb1100: This looks interesting, and not too dangerous, since I can ghost the partition before doing this.
I would need to identify which APIC / HAL my processor needs as there seem to be a number of options here...
- ACPI PIC-based PC
- ACPI APIC-based PC (UniProcessor)
- ACPI APIC-based PC (MultiProcessor)
- MPS UniProcessor PC
- MPS MultiProcessor PC
Hirudin: Sure enough, when I right click, I get no such option. I also found a freeware program called
SMP SeeSaw which helps assign programs to specific cores, and it fails because it doesn't find the 2nd core. Conclusive proof I'd say.
Eóin: Yes, I did get a CD of drivers with the motherboard... I have examined it thoroughly. The menu offers drivers for LAN, Chipset + Onboard Audio, and a link for USB2 drivers (tells you to download SP2!). I have also googled and can find no mention of needing a driver.
Thanks for all the advice so far... Please keep the ideas coming!!