Welcome to Clif Notes Newsletter
September 4, 2005
Hi DonationCoder's. Here are some freeware reviews and other stuff from this weeks letter.
I think you all might be familiar with one of these. LOL
EasyCleaner - an easy way to unclog your pc
Ewido Security Suite - Trojan and Spyware Tool
Form Letter Machine - don't keep repeating yourself
Google Talk - a new instant messenger
Messenger Plus - not very funny if you aren't careful
WinPatrol - puts you back in control of your PC
WinSonar - protection against unknown programs
Infected Podcasts - risky listening on your PC
SpamhOle - spam goes down the hole
What is Intrusion Detection Software? - techsupportalert.com
Browser Speed Comparisons - who's got the fastest web browser?
Dunscraft's Bird Search - bird watching made easy
ScanIt - can you safely surf the big bad web?
SaveFile - lets your friends download your files
Wake Up Drug CX717 - now I can surf all night
Feedback and Other Stuff
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http://snipurl.com/CurrentLetterto see the current newsletter at the Freeware Review Wiki.