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Last post Author Topic: SnapSuite program family/Free online computer help  (Read 359229 times)


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Re: Free computer help online/CompuTech (my) programs
« Reply #300 on: February 01, 2008, 07:37 PM »

Hope you solve it out!
« Last Edit: February 02, 2008, 05:17 PM by Curt »


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Re: Free computer help online/CompuTech (my) programs
« Reply #301 on: February 04, 2008, 11:03 PM »
Hey curt, was unable to reply to your message.

I have fixed the computer (mostly), and know what caused the problem and that it can only be fixed with a reformat.

What happened:
For some reason, VB got corrupted. And that corrupted C++. So when I reinstalled, there is a bug in both of those and kills .NET (how convenient, huh). So my 3.5 and 3.0 .NET was dead, and it is integrated with Vista, so I could not reinstall it (how convenient, huh).

I reformatted, and tried to activate Windows, but it would not take my code (how convenient...), so I actually attempted (in my rage at the moronic licensing system) to bypass/pirate (whatever you want to call it) the activation just to get my computer back to a state where I could normally activate it. Two wasted hours later, I reformatted and installed Vista Home Basic (I have the OEM key from my eMachines tower).

The cause:
VB 2008's corruption. No idea why or how. Don't ask me. Was running no beta software. No malware. :-\

The solution:
Reformat (or go without .NET and/or C++ programs). Only way. Reinstalling .NET on Vista would take more effort than making the OS itself. (I almost tried)

So currently I have just my basic system going, all my programs and all but a couple games (getting them in as I type this) but no programming IDEs (Integrated Development Environments). I did save my programming data files, but I am not so sure about how I am going to handle using VB Express Edition 08 again. Maybe wait for a patch? :huh: :-\ :tellme:

Ideas, comments, ways to fix .NET and make me look like a total idiot for reformatting..., etc are all welcome. :P



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Re: Free computer help online/CompuTech (my) programs
« Reply #302 on: February 05, 2008, 08:04 AM »
It can be almost chocking how little it sometimes takes to make even a giant fall.

The best of wishes!  :Thmbsup:


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Re: Free computer help online/CompuTech (my) programs
« Reply #303 on: February 05, 2008, 08:51 PM »
Thanks Curt! :)


I plan to switch over to programming strictly on my laptop (Windows XP :)) and testing/uploading/AHK work on my desktop here. I have (once again) reformatted (Windows Anytime Upgrade trouble) but I am just about 95% back up to normal here (Halo 2, Halo Custom Edition, and Test Drive Unlimited need installing, and a couple programs need some tweaks).

I have no idea when I will update SnapSuite's VB beta, it should be in a couple weeks (im guessing, I have edited little stuff here and there but I need to make major changes to call it an update).

I can still fix PC's (CrossLoop is installed) - also, LogMeIn now allows me to have as many Free PC's as I want, and it is more convenient than CrossLoop to get help from me (useful if you have a lot of problems).

I will post some new info in a day or two, got a lot of homework and catching up to do (two tests on Friday, a book report due, an in-class presentation (that I have to program a game and a quiz for!), a comic strip, and a photoshop assignment). And I am behind in math. :-[



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Re: Free computer help online/CompuTech (my) programs
« Reply #304 on: February 08, 2008, 05:28 PM »
Good news!

I have safely put VB Express Edition back onto my desktop (and checked it for any weird stuff conflicting with other programs). I am working on the next update right now.

I also locked down the project files using a key, but I forgot the key... :-[ and had to delete it. So they are no longer locked, but it doesn't really matter. :-\

Right now all I am trying to do is get rid of all the stupid AHK EXE's that I have to use. They take up more space than the VB exe :tellme:

(If anyone knows how to run a program with command line switches, or what the Program Files variable is in VB 2008, I would be overjoyed if you could tell me...)



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Re: Free computer help online/CompuTech (my) programs
« Reply #305 on: February 08, 2008, 05:43 PM »
"Oh my freaking god it works!!!" (yes, I said that out loud)


I figured out how to run a program via VB with command line parameters!!!!! Now I can take off like 5MB of pointless EXE's for SystemCare!!



EDIT: Also, I am dropping support for the Abexo Free Registry Cleaner in the next update. It seems to cause more damage than it solves (if you look at the results, programs end up having to reset their file types because of it) and the latest version drops freeware Vista compatibility :down:.

EDIT 2: I finally got a beta area setup and all new "nightly" builds will be available to friends, anyone at DC, and anyone that asks. You can get the latest build at http://mazecraze.dci...uite 2008 Prerelease

Just an FYI though, anything I upload to that folder it strictly test material, and it may not work at all/may cause damage to data. It is just what I have at the moment; nothing more. Don't expect it to have everything working fine and for it to run perfectly on every computer you try it on.

EDIT 3: I did some light updating of, with a news update and updated information on SnapSuite. Not much.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2008, 06:51 PM by wreckedcarzz »


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Re: Free computer help online/CompuTech (my) programs
« Reply #306 on: February 09, 2008, 12:42 PM »
Little update here, new beta being published as I post (available once you read this, here http://mazecraze.dci...%202008%20Prerelease)...

I am working to get rid of all the AHK EXE's that I can. If I can eliminate them, it makes it easier not only to update and install, it makes it easier for me to work with. Plus a smaller program size.

Right now I have a total of 20 files that have to be installed. This is significantly lower than previous versions, where I had over 40 files that had to be installed. I am going to keep working to get as little files as I can.

In the beta update, I have added a program that helps setup the programs you need to run maintenance operations (if you are getting a new PC, reformatting, etc). It is a basic wizard, but much improved over the old way of just installing whatever wasn't detected without much notice to the user.
The SystemCare basic tab has been much improved, allowing for faster fix-ups. The button sizes and fonts have been changed as well- it looks much better now.

I still have no progress on FastNote, and I am unsure how to integrate KidDraw. Other than that, I am making good progress finishing everything else up.



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Updates and improvements
« Reply #307 on: February 11, 2008, 05:57 PM »
Two happy improvements that you will see in the next update...

1) SystemCare is now complete. 100%, done. It now launches programs systematically and not all at once. This may change, however if I find something else to add. But at the moment "consider it done" :P
(This was thanks to mwb1100's help in the Developer's Corner here at DC)

2) SmartBrowse will now accept your Enter keystroke (kind of...)
I have looked into setting up SnapSuite to accept hotkeys via Visual Basic. Lets just say that that isn't happening anytime soon. So, using AHK (yea I am still trying to get rid of AHK EXEs, but this way I get the whole thing working for now) I used a new command to watch when you press and release the Enter/Return key. Basically, it works together with VB like so:

  • User clicks SmartBrowse tab. begins loading in the window.
  • User clicks in URL bar. URL bar highlights contents so Backspace does not have to be utilized.
  • URL bar tells the AHK program to start. AHK gives the user 10 seconds to type their URL before timing out
  • (this was done so it is long enough to type something like Https:// but short enough not to disturb the user if they browse elsewhere before completing the URL/if they click Go manually)
  • User types URL.
  • If URL is typed within the 10 second limit, when Enter is released, Go is clicked via the AHK program.

It is fairly simple, if you look at it.

These will be in the next update, at least 2-3 days. I am hoping to get FastNote's save and open features working (at least somewhat) by later tonight.



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Re: Free computer help online/CompuTech (my) programs
« Reply #308 on: February 13, 2008, 05:58 PM »
My NANY mug came in today via UPS, because as most of you know SnapSuite 2008 (AHK, not VB) was in NANY 2008 last month :)

You can view my (pretty bad) image here: https://www.donation....msg101713#msg101713



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LONG Feature list
« Reply #309 on: February 16, 2008, 06:38 PM »
I got kind of bored after gaming today, and wanting to make progress towards a final 1.0 release on SnapSuite, but not wanting to bug-fix, I came up with this (quite impressive) feature list for SnapSuite. Granted, the FastNote and KidDraw parts may still be pulled, but the list itself can give reason for those weary of the program to try it and see if they like it. And it makes it a whole lot easier for me to explain when someone asks "what does it do?".

Here goes...

SnapSuite 2008 Visual Basic Edition

SnapSuite 2008 is packed with so many features that you can do just about anything on it- it is an all-in-one program made to get work done in minimal time with minimal effort.

  • Quick start - the program starts typically in 2-3 seconds
  • Automatic updates - Keep getting more, better features- at the click of a button!
  • AppLaunch allows you to start programs such as Firefox, Safari, Thunderbird, Outlook, Windows Media Player, iTunes, and much more! Even request new programs to be added by using the built-in request button: just type in what you want added, and where it is located, and I will add it in the next program update!
  • AutoType allows keyboard fanatics to easily and quickly assign text to hotkeys. It also has a built in Instant Message cleaner, for conversations that don't need to be seen by others around you.
  • DateMaker allows users to quickly sketch out plans for the future via an 8 month calendar and 3 time drop down menus.
  • FastNote is a fully featured text editor that can make, open, save, and print documents, as well as having Cut, Copy, and Paste functions.
  • KidDraw is a small drawing board made for doodles. You can make, open, and save images.
  • MediaControl is a specialized program allowing you to control media playback and volume levels.
  • SmartBrowse is a complete web browser, with back, forward, stop, reload, and home buttons, as well as AutoComplete functionality!
  • SnapScreen is an extremely basic section that, at the click of a button, takes a screenshot of your computer's desktop(s), opens Paint, pastes the data in, and opens a save dialog.
  • SystemCare is the specialist of the group. SystemCare can take care of your PC at the click of a button, or you can run specific programs and actions individually. All processes are automatic and everything is very simple to use.
  • In addition to all of this, SnapSuite has basic text help at the bottom of every program tab, a full Support area with contact information, FAQ, forum, website and bug list.
  • Also, every person that helps me with SnapSuite is featured in the program's About tab, so everyone gets credit.

Bet you didn't know SmartBrowse had AutoComplete now :D

(Note: A couple of the features in that list, including the hotkey option for AutoType, are still in beta (only on the beta upload folder) so they are not guaranteed to work).



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Re: Free computer help online/CompuTech (my) programs
« Reply #310 on: February 17, 2008, 01:47 AM »
OK, here I have a touchy subject that I need feedback on.

What I want to do is be able to bundle CCleaner, CleanUp, and everything else INTO SnapSuite, so that the user doesn't have to install them all manually.

Now, the problem is that I want to confirm I can do this without legal crap going on. I have read all the program EULAs (JkDefrag/NTREGOPT does not have one) and everything looks fine, but quite frankly, I want to make sure I don't screw myself here.

Here is the rundown:

CCleaner states that, basically, I can make and distribute copies of it as long as I include the EULA (not a problem)
By using or distributing this software (or any work based on the software) you shall be deemed to have accepted the terms and conditions set out below.
Piriform grants you a limited non-exclusive licence to use this software for any purpose, including commercial applications and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:

1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software.
2. You must not alter the software, user licence or installer in any way.
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any distribution.
4. You may not resell or charge for the software.
5. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, derive the source code of or modify [or create derivative work from] the program.
6. You must not use CCleaner to engage in or allow others to engage in any illegal activity.
7. You may not claim any sponsorship by, endorsement by, or affiliation with our company.
8. You acknowledge that Piriform owns the copyright and all associated intellectual property rights relating to the software except to the extent that the software includes identifiable separate components originating from the Yahoo! Toolbar.

CleanUp! states no restrictions on distribution, as long as I don't make it "my own" or edit it
* You may not alter this software in any way, including changing
   help and text files.
 * You are hereby licensed to make any number of backup copies of
   this free software and documentation. You can give the copy of
   the software to anyone or distribute the freeware version of the
   software providing that no additional fee is charged and the
   package files are not modified in any way.

WindowsCare says that you cannot distribute it, however this is ignored via paragraph 4 where it clarifies that, while not saying it in these words, basically it only applies to the Professional edition whereas a license is given.
Particularly, it is prohibited to make copies thereof (with the exception of making copies to be used as a backup).
4. Assignment Restriction. This license is provided personally to you and for that reason it does not allow you to make any duplicate (copy) to be sold, borrowed, assigned, leased or transferred in any manner whatsoever to another person. Any transfer executed in violation of this provision shall be deemed invalid and constitute a reason for termination of your license validity.

JkDefrag is covered under the GNU general public licence, and carries no EULA. I have been distributing this for a while now.

NTREGOPT has no EULA or license agreement of any type.

IMO, I think I am safe. But I would like some stable confirmation before continuing on. Anyone?



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Re: Free computer help online/CompuTech (my) programs
« Reply #311 on: February 17, 2008, 02:10 AM »
I'm not much use with legal advice so i'll leave that to others.
But from the ethical/morality standpoint, make sure you very clearly give the authors of these programs credit and provide easy access to their websites, etc.  That will go a long way to making the authors happy.


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Re: Free computer help online/CompuTech (my) programs
« Reply #312 on: February 17, 2008, 04:56 AM »
So, if I have WindowsCare Pro I cannot use your upcoming program?  :-\


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Re: Free computer help online/CompuTech (my) programs
« Reply #313 on: February 17, 2008, 10:16 AM »
I don't think asking other people for there interpretation of the EULA is the right way to go about it. The only safe method is to write the authors of each of those programs explaining to them what you are doing, how you are interpreting the EULA and see what they have to say. Make sure they explicity give you authorization.


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Re: Free computer help online/CompuTech (my) programs
« Reply #314 on: February 17, 2008, 11:22 AM »
I'm not much use with legal advice so i'll leave that to others.
But from the ethical/morality standpoint, make sure you very clearly give the authors of these programs credit and provide easy access to their websites, etc.  That will go a long way to making the authors happy.

OK, I was going to do that but I will make sure it is 100% clear what is doing what and who made the program that does that.

So, if I have WindowsCare Pro I cannot use your upcoming program?  :-\

No, far from the truth! :o This is just my way of integrating everything so that everyone doesn't have to install all the programs themselves! That way everything is ready to go just when SnapSuite installs.

I don't think asking other people for there interpretation of the EULA is the right way to go about it. The only safe method is to write the authors of each of those programs explaining to them what you are doing, how you are interpreting the EULA and see what they have to say. Make sure they explicity give you authorization.

OK, I might send off some emails today then.

Thanks everyone!



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Re: Free computer help online/CompuTech (my) programs
« Reply #315 on: February 17, 2008, 11:53 AM »
OK, email sent to CCleaner staff. Eagerly awaiting reply...

CleanUp! has a green light, via FAQ. See here:

JkDefrag is fine, via the GNU license. I may still send him an email telling him about it though.

WindowsCare support email sent, hoping that they will let me do this...

Just send off an email for NTREGOPT, lets hope that all goes well there as well.




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Re: Free computer help online/CompuTech (my) programs
« Reply #316 on: February 17, 2008, 04:55 PM »
Well I am not getting any email back, possibly because of the weekend/holiday, so I am going to go ahead and back up my current files and go to work assuming all systems are go.

Will update to let everyone know how it's going. :Thmbsup:


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Re: Free computer help online/CompuTech (my) programs
« Reply #317 on: February 17, 2008, 08:25 PM »

I have a fully working (NTREGOPT INTEGRATION UNTESTED) prototype utilizing all the programs, however I had to obtain an older, however smaller and single-exe (portable) version of Advanced WindowsCare.

As much as I want to distribute this, I am going to wait for email replies. The program is ready to go, with credit due and a disclaimer to any damage done by using any programs I do not make.

So far, it is looking good! :)



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Re: Free computer help online/CompuTech (my) programs
« Reply #318 on: February 18, 2008, 01:30 AM »
Ah, I have finally gotten a totally automated version of Skrommel's awesome DelEmpty - I will add it into SystemCare. It is now 100% automatic, and will scan your entire C:\ drive for empty folders and delete them without interaction. Just watch the counter go by.

(I was going to post a screenshot, but GridMove snapped the darn GUI into a huge window, so now it looks horrible...)

All there is in the GUI is "Counting - <Amount of files in current directory>" followed by "Deleting - <Number of folders>". Nothing more.

You can download my hacked version below as an individual download if you want, or you can wait for the next update.


EDIT: I will upload an improved version in the morning. For now the below will work just fine (there is just a GUI update).

EDIT 2: Get updated DelEmpty below :D
« Last Edit: February 18, 2008, 12:15 PM by wreckedcarzz »


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Re: Free computer help online/CompuTech (my) programs
« Reply #319 on: February 18, 2008, 12:14 PM »
To my extreme surprise, I received 2 new emails regarding the licenses this morning. One from the CCleaner staff and one from the IObit staff.

Unfortunately the licence specifies that you are not allowed to
repackage CCleaner, or alter the installer.
That was kind of a shock, but then I opened the IObit email with less enthusiasm.

Thank you for taking the time in providing us with the information and we are very pleased to hear about your plan.
We allow and encourage all web sites, magazines, CD-ROM vendors and end-users to freely distribute our freeware and trial software. You already have our authorization for distributing our freeware and trial software.

We appreciate your support and attention of IObit, and we will keep up improving the product.
I about fell over. I was totally sure that they would say no. :o

So CCleaner will still need to be tediously installed, but WindowsCare will be ready-to-go on the next update. Now I just need a response from Steven Gould for CleanUp!


OH, before I forget, here is the updated SnapSuite DelEmpty :)


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Re: Free computer help online/CompuTech (my) programs
« Reply #320 on: February 18, 2008, 01:26 PM »
Ah, I have finally gotten a totally automated version of Skrommel's awesome DelEmpty - I will add it into SystemCare. It is now 100% automatic, and will scan your entire C:\ drive for empty folders and delete them without interaction. Just watch the counter go by.

Isn't that kind of dangerous to do?  Seems like it wouldn't be a good idea for a novice computer user to go and delete empty folders.  What if its a special folder (like of the My folders) where a novice user wouldn't know how to rebuild it? 

I know you have clauses to CYA but giving a novice user the ability to do something they wouldn't know could be harmful and it ends up hurting their system the responsibility would fall back on you.

If you are going to have such a feature make sure there is a confirmation box that explains what will occur and gives them the ability to back out.


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Re: Free computer help online/CompuTech (my) programs
« Reply #321 on: February 18, 2008, 01:50 PM »
Actually, Skrommel did that - if it tries to delete a folder that Windows needs, it will throw an error letting the user know that it is needed and will not be deleted. I don't know if the error appears in my edited version (it shouldn't) but it will not delete the folder.


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Re: Free computer help online/CompuTech (my) programs
« Reply #322 on: February 18, 2008, 06:52 PM »
IMO is sounds dangerous...


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Re: Free computer help online/CompuTech (my) programs
« Reply #323 on: February 18, 2008, 07:37 PM »
If you want I could send you the AHK file any maybe your could make sure this is included/add something that does this? :tellme:

Skrommel uses a lot of code that I am just starting to understand, so I am not fully ... confident in myself to say that it is totally, 100% safe.


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Re: Free computer help online/CompuTech (my) programs
« Reply #324 on: February 18, 2008, 08:43 PM »
and will scan your entire C:\ drive for empty folders and delete them without interaction.

i agree with veign -- this sounds like a very bad idea. likely to cause problems, and with no good reason to do it.
delempty is one of those specialty tools that should only be used by people who really know what they are doing.