I am biologically incapable of resisting offers of Free Computer Help
wreckedcarzz, I don't know if this falls outside your area of expertise, I will post the problem here in case it does, but falls inside somebody else's area, and they want to take a shot at it.
If you, or anybody else, has a solution idea, please PM me so that the thread will not be hijacked any worse than I am doing now by posting this at all.
Here is the situation:
A website consists of html files, with the exception of 3 .asp pages.
When I ftp the files (I use FileZilla or WS-ftp, and yes, I do it ASCII) to my computer, and open them in my browser, whether FireFox or Internet Exploder, instead of displaying correctly, the asp code is splattered all over the place as if it had thrown up on itself, and if I put the file back into the website's directory, so it remains, even though I have not even touched the file.
This is the case even if I have not even opened the file at all, even in a regular text editor. Just the very act of being ftped to my computer turns the file into a hot mess.
This makes it impossible, obviously, for me to make even the slightest changes to the non-asp code parts of the pages.
I have been spinning my wheels for weeks, googling to see if anyone else has ever had such a problem, and if so, how they solved it, but to no avail.
(Attempts to edit php files are similarly plagued. With php files, Internet Exploder even tells me it does not know how to open them, though on the web, it has no problem. And if I tell it that either FireFox or Exploder is to open them, in Exploder all I get is the page source, and in Firefox, vomited code like I get with asp files.)
Again, this is only when the files have been ftped to my machine, on the web, both browsers display asp and php pages just fine.
I am running Windows XP SP3, but the problem was there even before the SP 3 update, so I am sure it is not related to that.
I apologize for inserting such an off-topic topic, but it did say "free computer help," words that should probably not be typed anywhere I can see them.
And thanks to any and all who have any ideas. I do not care how stupid I will feel if someone tells me some totally basic thing I have failed to click somewhere. I have never claimed clue ownership.