Thanks a lot! Media Player Classic suits my needs.
Media Player Classichttp://sourceforge.n...projects/guliverkli/has the image grabbing features I requested (handles many video formats, interval screencaps of the sort "X number of frameshots", timestamps, specification of output file width) and it generates a contact sheet.
Its command line parameters doesn't include commmands for contact sheet creation. But I wrote an AutoHotkey script that allows batch usage.
edit: old code hidden
; AutoHotkey script to generate image contact sheets from a batch of video files
; 1. get Media Player Classic (MPC).
; Load a video in MPC, then do File > Save Thumbnails...
; Then set parameters in the save dialog (row/line, width, file format) and save the file.
; The entered parameters now become default.
; 2. Put full paths to all target video files in flist.txt (one path on each line)
; 3. Set script parameters
; 4. Run script
; note: don't use the computer for other purposes while running the script
; since the script sends keyboard input to the active window
xmpcpath =
xflistpath =
xoutputfolder =
xoutput_to_same_folder_as_source = 0
xsave_thumb_dialog_win_title =
xoutputfileprefix =
xoutputfilesuffix =
; xmpcpath = C:\program\MPC\mplayerc.exe
;xflistpath = C:\some folder\flist.txt
;xoutputfolder = C:\some folder\
;xoutput_to_same_folder_as_source = 1 --> yes
;xoutput_to_same_folder_as_source = 0 --> no
; xsave_thumb_dialog_win_title = Spara som
; needed since save thumbnail dialog window title varies with install language
;xoutputfileprefix = some_prefix_
;outputfilesuffix = some suffix
FileRead, xflist_contents, %xflistpath%
Loop, parse, xflist_contents,`n
If A_LoopField =
continue ;skip empty line at end
xfpath = %A_LoopField%
SplitPath, xfpath, xfname ,xffolder,,xfnameNoExt
run %xmpcpath% "%xfpath%"
WinWait,ahk_class MediaPlayerClassicW
Sleep, 1000
SendInput {Space}
SendInput !F
SendInput {Up 7}
SendInput {Enter}
WinWaitActive, %xsave_thumb_dialog_win_title%
If xoutput_to_same_folder_as_source = 1
xoutputfolder = %xffolder%
SendInput %xoutputfolder%\%xoutputfileprefix%%xfnameNoExt%%xoutputfilesuffix%
SendInput {Enter}
IfExist, %xoutputfolder%\%xoutputfileprefix%%xfnameNoExt%%xoutputfilesuffix%.jpg
IfExist, %xoutputfolder%\%xoutputfileprefix%%xfnameNoExt%%xoutputfilesuffix%.bmp
sleep 1000
WinClose, ahk_class MediaPlayerClassicW
WinWaitClose, ahk_class MediaPlayerClassicW
I did a testrun on a couple of video files without problems. Will try to run it on all my videos later tonight.
edit:I just ran the script on 30+ video files and all seems to work fine. I also updated the script a bit. I edited this post so that the old script is hidden (above). Here's the new script:
; AutoHotkey script to generate image contact sheets from a batch of video files in Media Player Classic
xinstructions =
1. Get Media Player Classic,
mpplayerc.exe path: C:\program\MPC (or) Scriptfolder (or) specify in script parameters
2. Make flist.txt with list of video file paths (one path per line)
flist.txt path: Scriptfolder (or) specify in script parameters
3. Set other script parameters (or use defaults)
4. Run script
; --- SCRIPT PARAMETERS --------------------------------
IfExist, C:\program\MPC\mplayerc.exe
xmpcpath = C:\program\MPC\mplayerc.exe
IfExist, %A_ScriptDir%\mplayerc.exe
xmpcpath = %A_ScriptDir%\mplayerc.exe
; ------------------------ path to media player classic
; xmpcpath =
; ------------------------
If xmpcpath =
msgbox, error: mpplayerc.exe not found.
IfExist, %A_ScriptDir%\flist.txt
xflistpath = %A_ScriptDir%\flist.txt
; ------------------------ path to flist.txt
; xflistpath =
; ------------------------
If xflistpath =
FileSelectFile, xflistpath,3,,Select textfile that contains list of video file paths
if xflistpath =
; ------------------------ other script parameters
xoutputfolder = %A_Desktop%
xoutput_to_same_folder_as_source = 1
xcreate_even_if_contactsheet_exists = 0
xoutputfileprefix =
xoutputfilesuffix =_cs
xrows = 7
xcols = 3
xwidth = 1000
; ------------------------
;xoutputfolder = C:\some folder\
;xoutput_to_same_folder_as_source = 1 --> yes --> no need to set xoutputfolder
;xoutput_to_same_folder_as_source = 0 --> no
;xcreate_even_if_contactsheet_exists = 0 --> don't create if already exists (= file with matching file name exists)
;xcreate_even_if_contactsheet_exists = 1 --> create new (overwrites outputfolder)
;xoutputfileprefix = some_prefix_
;outputfilesuffix = some suffix
;xrows = 7
;xcols = 3
;xwidth = 1000
msgbox, 1,,
current parameters:
xmpcpath = %xmpcpath%
xflistpath = %xflistpath%
xoutputfolder = %xoutputfolder%
xoutput_to_same_folder_as_source = %xoutput_to_same_folder_as_source%
xcreate_even_if_contactsheet_exists = %xcreate_even_if_contactsheet_exists%
xoutputfileprefix = %xoutputfileprefix%
xoutputfilesuffix = %xoutputfilesuffix%
Click OK to run script
IfMsgBox, Cancel
FileRead, xflist_contents, %xflistpath%
Loop, parse, xflist_contents,`n
If A_LoopField =
continue ;skip empty line at end
xfpath = %A_LoopField%
SplitPath, xfpath, xfname ,xffolder,,xfnameNoExt
If xoutput_to_same_folder_as_source = 1
xoutputfolder = %xffolder%
If xcreate_even_if_contactsheet_exists = 0
IfExist, %xoutputfolder%\%xoutputfileprefix%%xfnameNoExt%%xoutputfilesuffix%.jpg
IfExist, %xoutputfolder%\%xoutputfileprefix%%xfnameNoExt%%xoutputfilesuffix%.bmp
run %xmpcpath% /open "%xfpath%"
WinWait,ahk_class MediaPlayerClassicW
WinActivate, ahk_class MediaPlayerClassicW
WinWaitActive, ahk_class MediaPlayerClassicW
Sleep, 1000
;0x111=command wparam 888 lparam 0 = open save thumbs...
SendMessage, 0x111, 808, 0, , ahk_class MediaPlayerClassicW
WinWait, ahk_class #32770,Image width:,4
IfWinNotExist, ahk_class #32770,Image width:
SendMessage, 0x111, 808, 0, , ahk_class MediaPlayerClassicW ;2nd try
WinWait, ahk_class #32770,Image width:
ControlSetText, Edit1,%xoutputfolder%\%xoutputfileprefix%%xfnameNoExt%%xoutputfilesuffix%, ahk_class #32770,Image width:
ControlSetText, Edit2, %xrows%, ahk_class #32770,Image width:
ControlSetText, Edit3, %xcols%, ahk_class #32770,Image width:
ControlSetText, Edit4, %xwidth%, ahk_class #32770,Image width:
ControlClick, Button2, ahk_class #32770,Image width:
IfExist, %xoutputfolder%\%xoutputfileprefix%%xfnameNoExt%%xoutputfilesuffix%.jpg
IfExist, %xoutputfolder%\%xoutputfileprefix%%xfnameNoExt%%xoutputfilesuffix%.bmp
sleep 1000
WinClose, ahk_class MediaPlayerClassicW
WinWaitClose, ahk_class MediaPlayerClassicW