binaryshadow, I think it is a fantastic idea. It's similar to something I've been trying to muster up some interest for here in the past. My original idea (which is almost the same as yours) was to create a standalone program where we can write and save our posts (and maybe even preview them with all the formatting, although this is not vital) and then cut/paste it into the actual forum. The program should have all the same formatting buttons (image link, list, bold, italic, font, color, etc.) as the formatting buttons available in the DC forum.
Using a program like I described above, it can also load "templates" that will allow the posts to be consistent. For example, there can be a minireview template that a user will load, and all the appropriate formatting bbcode will appear, and the user just needs to fill in the text content. This is essentially what your program does, it will act like a template that keeps posts consistent.
The great thing is that someone has already created a bbcode editor in AHK script, and if it can be modified to be specific for our DC forum, it would be just perfect. I don't know how hard or easy that is to do, but I've talked about it in a thread here:
https://www.donation...dex.php?topic=6194.0Anyway, I hope that something like this can be accomplished.