Well benchmarks for browsers is like 3Dmark when both ATI and Nvidia were "creative". Not necessarily relate much to how real life browsing works. You run X process 1 time only, not 1000 so difference in "speed" are obvious
24fun give 21 secs to a clean Firefox? I dont think so, try may be 8 secs if I remember correctly. Opera like 5.x secs on my computer last I tried. Opening of new windows is not fun for Firefox but say how much about speed? Is important - under benchmark conditions. Try add some extensions to Firefox, possible also gadgets on Opera, and see what happens. May be just change theme. Result can change dramatically, however browsing experience does not
Good one is Adblock Plus, clearly a hit but also what makes many pages load faster. So slower benchmark means faster in real life, heh. Im sure all developers use these and more but not for popular consumption I think.
Strange with how "speed" is experienced. Opera scrolls pages like it was made for that purpose only, Firefox look like crap in comparison. Give bad impression, may be depends on mouse driver/features but certainly Opera seems much faster. Well then try add smoothwheel extension, set it up properly which is to your liking and then re-evaluate. Way better, way smoother of course - feels faster to me as well. I like it more than Operas "speed", almost too fast! A few extra cpu cycles is needed to make Firefox scroll pretty that is true.
Nice with so many benchmarks
Good for testing before/after adding whatever. I dont know about Opera but Firefox can certainly be "slowed down" by not so optimal add-ons.
IE7 rules and will decide what you see when browsing through Opera/Firefox - most of the world wont avoid it. So be happy for progress and may be also they declare addicted to standards and browser upgrades. That is new statements from Microsoft. Matters to Firefox/Opera users as well. Both Firefox and IE devs have said they are not that occupied by Acid2 for now - I assume they mean it is of little importance. Will be later, Firefox 3 pass it already as does Opera. IE7 will catch up if they live up to promises. IE7 is probably tied more to Vista than genuine desire to meet standards (MS could have made that years ago easy if they bothered) but still... No development was huge mistake by MS but IE7 is progress for world browsing no matter you dont like it too much.