Volumouse: provides you a quick and easy way to control the sound volume on your system - simply by rolling the wheel of your wheel mouse.
It allows you to define a set of rules for determining when the wheel will be used for changing the sound volume. For example: You can configure Volumouse to use your mouse wheel for volume control when the Alt key is hold down, when the left mouse button is down, when the mouse cursor is over the taskbar, and so on...
Key2click: offers an alternative for windows users by replacing the mouse buttons with two keyboard keys. It differs from windows 'mouse keys' in emulating the mouse keys exactly.
Qliner hotkeys is a free and open source keyboard productivity environment. Just hold the Windows key for three seconds and up pops a on screen Keyboard with icons on the keys that are configured. Hotkeys is smart in the way it launches applications and opens documents. When a key combination is pressed hotkeys will first try to find an existing instance of the requested application or document and bring that to the front.
Are there any other mouse and keyboard related freeware that you know and are useful? Let us know