BTW, HKCU is usually better than HKLM unless you need one local account to make the loading decision for all accounts. Again, it takes away a layer of control for the individual.
Thanks, modifying in HKCU is indeed a better choice, no drawbacks as I see it.
(updated ver 1.0.52 reads/writes only in HKCU->Run)
On the flip side, the StartUp folder lets you temporarily bypass running those items at login (shift key) and you can drag & drop items in and out to change their behavior.
True. However I think users can still easily enable/disable the auto-run behavior in Moby just as what they can do with it in Startup folder; and even easier sometimes. (Just go to Options -> check/uncheck "auto-run")
Every time Moby starts, it checks out "Run" in the registry; if it finds a key named "MobysaurusThesaurus", the program checks the option "auto-run and minimize-to-tray when windows starts", and auto-updates the launch path if it's different from where the executable is located.
The shortcut properties sheet also lets you specify whether to start minimized, maximized, or "normal". What would the benefit be of a registry-based start?
Would anyone want Moby to auto-start in any other way than "minimized"?
(btw, the program always remembers its last window state - size, position, and max/min/normal)
It seems to me that the same level of convenience is offered to end users when they decide whether or not to allow auto-start, and in truth registry manipulation is much easier to program and adds less overhead to the code (if the program has to add/remove/check/update the shortcut/reg key)
P.S. you know I always let moby stay in my system tray, this 1.0.52 ver prevents it from auto-hiding from me even if I ignores it.
(am I being unreasonable?