In what language is pdGet written? I hope it is not JavaScript.
Hi, it's
C# but it's so messy right now I won't push the code because it's pretty unmaintanable. I'm simply focusing on
KeyLoop to secure NANY 2022's entry prior to uploading cleaner pdGet's code in January.
The program is a fusion of code from several nkormanik's programs (URLister, URLdrop) + "dirty" youtube (non-API) + torrent + multi-threaded download libraries, all into a big single queue/list.
It'll get to a "maintainable" state for sure; I just have some other projects closer to completion to finish the year (i.e. BGGfetch, pdInput...) to deliver before this one. With just a few days left for 2021 to go, I'm prioritizing & leaning to the releases' side!