I finally want to buy Syncovery.
I already described my major use case here:
https://www.donation...ex.php?topic=48520.0So the question is: Pro or Premium?
The feature that caught my eye was Block Level Copying in the Premium version, apparently not part of the Pro version.
But I didn't fully understand the description. I am familiar with delta copying which was part of the old LapLink (what a great program that was!) or is also implemented in Rsync.
So my main question is: Would this Block Level Copying be useful to me? I plan to synch well over a Gigabyte with my two OneDrive accounts, so if it really would speed things significantly, it would be a blessing. A lot of the big files are videos, VeraCrypt containers, and Drive Snapshot disk images. However, except for the VeraCrypt containers, these file types do not change, it's more of an all or nothing deal.
So, what do yo think?
Would the Premium be worth the extra money?
Thanks for your input!