Hey Mouser,
I'm running CH&S v2.54.0.
A recent crash-to-desktop issue with Affinity Designer when copying a group of elements in a drawing caused me to reach out to them (Serif Software) to alert them to this 100% reproducible crash. Their response was, "are you using a clipboard manager, and if so could you disable it and try again?"
Long story short, both CH&S and the new Windows 10 Clipboard History feature were running. When I exited CH&S and turned off Clipboard History, Affinity Designer stopped crashing. So I turned them on again, but NOT at the same time. If either is running Affinity Designer will crash. So that's a "bug" that Serif Software needs to deal with.
"I thought to myself, CH&S has an ignore list. If I add Designer.exe to the ignore list, it shouldn't crash." But it does!
So, TLDR: Affinity Designer doesn't like clipboard managers and will crash performing a copy operation if one is running, but setting CH&S to ignore Affinity Designer doesn't fix the problem. So I'm here to ask you why, if CH&S is set to ignore Affinity Designer, it is still interacting with it in some way and causing it to crash? (or have I done it wrong somehow?)