jNizM - yes, your script from a few years back forms the skeleton for this one. I have this acknowledgement in the source code. I added the file watcher stats, internet status, ports, etc. And I make lots more areas clickable. And buttons at the bottom. The basic premise is to have general stats and watch for new processes, startup items, ransomware activity. The program can auto shutdown, send email alerts via SwithMail. You had such a nicely formatted layout it was hard to beat. I will add an About box soon and make sure to credit you.
; Author of the core GUI is below:
; ===================================================================================
; Description ...: htopmini
; Version .......: v0.8.3
; Modified ......: 2014.04.11-2027
; Author ........: jNizM
http://www.autohotke...ic.php?f=6&t=254; ===================================================================================