Does it mean that it uses the ID to find the file, but doesn't display it?
I just discovered the answer. When you have a note file in zettlr, it is looking for that ID pattern to generate the internal db ID. So usually it is created automatically when the note is created. However, you can override that and type something else for the file name, like just words, and then there is no id number. When that happens, zettlr doesn't know or have an ID for that. So what the instruction is saying is to have that 14-digit number somewhere, either the filename or the first thing in the actual file content, so that it detects the ID. I just tried it...what happens is if i remove the number from the note AND the filename, the ID of the note disappears in zettlr. it doesn't know. when i add the ID to the note, first line, and leave the filename still only words, zettlr gets the ID instantly. so it is looking to match that pattern.
So what I'm going to do is put the ID as the first line of all my notes, but not the title, because i'd rather have something descriptive in the title.
here is what i'm talking about:
I'm thinking of going primitive, with discursion into zettelkastenthe first not, i have the ID in the filename, i have the ID in the actual note, and the ID in the program zettlr (gray) is shown. ID's all over the place
the second one, i have the ID in the filename, no other title in the filename, and the note is blank. the program detects the ID from the filename
in the third one (test note 123), i have the ID as the first line of the actual note, but not in the filename. this gets detected right away. so i like this. I don't have to have the ID in the filename itself, so the filename can be just the title, which is nice.