I'm now on day two and see no change when I click the button, it still says [1 streak].
It's not clear to me if this a bug or intentional. If intentional: I thought it would tell me how many times I had done the entry -- this would be much more rewarding imo. It's disappointing to see no change...
btw, I'm confused by your saying there is 'no final goal' -- isn't the whole point of it to do something for a number of days or weeks or whatever?
If you want to be rewarded for doing something once a day, you need to set the streak window size for the item to "1 day".
Then every consecutive day you do it, the number will go up by one.
(and if you do it 10 times in one day it will still only go up once per day).
The streak window size defines both how often you can get "credit" for performing an activity, and the time window you are allowed to continuously perform the activity before it resets.
So if you set it to 1 day, you will accumulate credit for performing it once per day, and if you ever let a 24hr gap lapse between performing it your streak will reset to 0.
If you set it to 1 week, you will accumulate at most 1 credit per week, and if you ever let 7 days go by without performing the activity your streak will reset to 0.
Note: Right now if you don't set a streak window it won't accumulate; I will modify that now so that if you don't set a streak window it will just keep track of how many times you've done it without ever resetting.