You can download it from are two files in the 75kb archive... TallyFiles.exe and CommandLine.dll.
Run TallyFiles to see the options, but they are
[Option('d', "directory", Required = true, HelpText = "Directory to Scan")]
[Option('f', "format", Required = false, HelpText = "Format of Date (Default yyyy-MM-dd)")]
[Option('o', "output", Required = false, HelpText = "output filename (default name of directory, stored in directory)")]
[Option('c', "compare", Required = false, HelpText = "compare to [C]reation Date or Last [A]ccess Date or Last [W]rite Date")]
So by default, if you run TallyFiles d=c:\test it will tally the files in c:\test and store them in c:\test\text.txt. Formats are c# datetime formats (
https://docs.microso...-time-format-strings), and if you specify an output filename, it will store it there.
Requires .NET 4.5.2
Let me know if you have any questions.
Update: Added ability to use write and last access dates.