I don't know why. Goes well under xp or 7, but not in windows 8.1 or ten.
Can you modify to go running ?
Best Regards
The script creates one or several empty folders selecting from a list.
At the present moment I can't execute this.
I think I am an administrator in the system. My system now is windows 8.1.
#SingleInstance Force
; #if winactive("ahk_class CabinetWClass") pruebo con la alternativa de más abajo
#ifWinActive ahk_class CabinetWClass
Gui, Destroy
WinGet, WinID, ID, A
Gui, +LastFound
HWND := WinExist()
ControlGetText, DesPath, Edit1, ahk_id %WinID%
Gui, Add, ListView, r10 NoSort vChosenName h300 w400, Folder Name
For A,B in {1:"Prg1",2:"Prg2", 3:"Prg3", 4:"Prg4", 5:"Prg5", 6:"%yyyy%", 7:"%MMyyyy%", 8:"Ver.hh.mm", 9:"password", 10:"Avira", 11:"Folder11", 12:"Es un juego", 13:"MACApple", 14:"pago", 15:"portable",16:"Nofunc", 17:"Nuevo",18:"Script",19:"Autohotkey", 20:"trial", 21:"Folder21",22:"INFO", 23:"Foros", 24:"Videos",25:"Formación",26:"Android", 27:"Windows", 28:"Consulta"}
Gui, Add, Button, gChoose, Submit
Gui, Show, h340 w420, Choose Folder Name
ControlGet, List, List, Selected, SysListView321, ahk_id %HWND%
Gui, Destroy
Loop, Parse, List, `n
If !FileExist(DesPath "\" A_LoopField)
FileCreateDir, %DesPath%\%A_LoopField%