My wife and I just played this, and this is my report and review of the game (not of the program that generates games).
I printed just the instructions and the first game for each player, so we could both try it.
We were terribly confused by the instructions (except the part about taking turns, which we understood thoroughly), but kept reading the instructions as we went along.
What we needed was a complete sample game, showing exactly what happened in each turn. What we got was only difficult instructions.
For example, the guesser is supposed to say a word and a number. We never did understand what the number was for, since it wasn't used during our experiment. We chose great clue words (cigarette was the clue for ASH and horse was the clue for STABLE), but that had nothing to do with who got green and was "correct" and who got yellow and was "incorrect"! So unintuitive.
Looking at our two sheets, I see that most of the words have the SAME color. This is confusing, because I thought they were supposed to be random, so I was expecting them to be mixed up. I kept being "correct" and my wife kept being "incorrect", which doesn't work well with our interpersonal dynamics.
We gave up during our 4th turn because we were so lost and saw no point in continuing to play the game.
Our experiences were perhaps not representative of other people, but for us the game, lacking an example of correct play, was only entertaining in that it was kind of funny to be so completely confused.