Let's see.. ok there are a few ways to do this.. And ironically there are a few others on the forum who are better at using FARR than me for these things

Let me assume your quick search words doesn't exist because that confuses me

So in your directory entry for "C:\FARR\URLs" if you put into "Optional Modifier Keywords": us
Then if you search for: +us news
It should ONLY search that folder for files matching the term new and should not search any other directories at all.
But you say you want it to show the entire contents of that directory when you search with no keywords, so instead what you could do is make an alias and use the restartsearch function to have it do a directory browsing/filtering.
For that you would make an alias regex trigger like us(.*)
and have result of "restartsearch C:\FARR\URLs $$1"
that should show the contents of the directory when you type us and then progressively filter it as you type keywords, the same as if you had directly typed in: C:\FARR\URLs EXTRA_KEYWORDS_HERE
Having said all that, another possibly MUCH EASIER way to do what you want is not to make separate shortcut files, but make one test file with all the urls you want, and put it in a text file and create a "us" alias that uses the "filecontents" command to let farr search it.